The Pemberton Journal
The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association
Call for Nominations! The Notice of the Call for Nominations for the Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association (PHNA) in 2015 was issued the week of August 11 along with the PHNA Election Process adopted June 18, 2014 under the PHNA Policies. This Notice of the Call for Nominations sets out the upcoming candidacies for membership to the Board of the Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association (PHNA). For 2015, there are three (3) positions up for election on the Board as “Directors”. All vacancies on the Board are open for nominations by PHNA Members. All PHNA Members must have paid their 2014 dues in order to nominate a Director. All PHNA memberships are on an annual basis and all memberships expire on September 30. Nominees will be required to pay 2015 dues upon acceptance of nomination. All nominations must be made in writing by hand delivery, US mail or email to the Vice President no later than 5:00pm Saturday, September 13, 2014. Please submit nominations to: Frank Hartmann, Vice President 1503 Northwood Road Austin, Texas 78703 All nominations must include a first and last name, Pemberton Heights address, telephone number and email address for the nominee. The Vice President encourages all PHNA Members to review the Notice of the Call, including the detailed information regarding open vacancies, qualifications, and requirements for the Board which can be found on the PHNA All nominations may be submitted now thru 5:00pm September 13, 2014. The Elections Process follows an open and transparent process in selecting the best candidates for the available positions. For more information about the PHNA Elections, its due process, or guidance in selecting the best candidate, please visit the PHNA website atwww. About PHNA The Association shall work in active participation with the residents of Pemberton Heights to: enhance, protect and preserve the prestige, quality and character of the neighborhood; build a sense of community among its diverse members; and develop and implement goals designed to promote mutual interests of the residents of Pemberton Heights. Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
September 2014, Vol V, I ssue IX
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH FROM 4-7PM 1404 WOOLDRIDGE DRIVE Open to all members of Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association (PHNA) Kimberly Comstock
Please join us for a celebration at Pemberton Heights Annual Fall Picnic. We are kindly asking if you would RSVP on the PHNA website by paying your annual membership dues so we can get an accurate count for food & beverages. We have set up a PayPal link to make it easy for you to pay your annual membership dues at Checks can be mailed to PHNA, P.O. Box 50388, Austin, TX 78763-0388. You may also RSVP at under upcoming events or by emailing me directly at **please note how many will be in attendance. Cabo Bob's and Capital Beverage have generously agreed to provide the food and beverages this year. A big thank you to Jean Mueller for allowing us to have our annual picnic on her property again! We would also like to thank our other sponsors for their generous contributions: AT&T U-Verse, Clark's Oyster Bar, Jospehine House, Jeffery's, Congress, Capra & Cavelli, Wheatsville Food Co-Op, Texas French Bread, New World Deli, Reid's Cleaners and Lone Star Latrine. Sponsorships are still available. Please contact Kimberly Comstock at for more information. Once again, Mr. Will Dupry and his band will be playing music for your listening pleasure. We will have face painting by Doodlebug the Clown and bouncy houses to keep the children entertained allowing their parents an opportunity to mingle with others. We are working on providing games for the adults too! Hope to see you all there! The Pemberton Journal - September 2014