September 2014
This year it’s even bigger and better than before. More prize money and more fun. This year you can enter as a team (two to six people). Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Venture Crews, Webelos, Church groups, Garden clubs, Neighborhood friends etc. are all welcome to enter as a team. There will also be age brackets 17 and under and 18 and above, so the kids can compete too. This year there will be a single entry fee of $10.00 per meat entry and $5.00 for the desert entry, with funds collected being added to prizes. There will be three categories. They will be 1) Beef Brisket, 2) Pork ribs, and 3) Dutch oven Desert. Enter one or enter them all. If you enter both meat entries the second meat is only a $5.00 entry fee. All entries shall be cooked on site at the Shady Hollow Community Center. Registration is from now until 5:00 PM September 23, 2014. You can pick up a registration form with rules and prize information at the Shady Hollow HOA office 3303 Doe Run Austin, TX. 78748 from 8:00AM – 5:00PM M-F until Sept. 23. We are also looking for Judges for the competition. If you are interested in judging this competition call the Shady Hollow HOA 512-280-6623
Volume 8, Issue 9
Something new is happening in Shady Hollow. Suddenly, there’s a sense of adventure in the air, the sound of students having fun while learning echoes throughout the streets. If you look, you might see these very same students working to give back to their community, and incidentally, yours. These students are a part of the newly formed BSA Venture Crew 82 out of the Shady Hollow Community, and they want nothing more than to serve and to learn. Venturing is a program that is a part of the Boy Scouts of America; however, it caters to both boys and girls from ages fourteen to twenty one. Instead of following the same organization as a Boy Scout troop and having the members go through ranks and earning badges, Venture Crews instead pick a “focus” and participate in related activities and strive to learn. Crew 82 has chosen their focus to be in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM, specifically robotics. The crew also serves as FIRST robotics team #8382 who go by the name of The T.E.D.D.Y. Bots and they plan to compete in the upcoming FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) competition season. Teddy stands for Technology & Education Developing Dedicated Youth.
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The Shady Side - September 2014