TWIN CREEKS Neighborhood Watch 2012 was the first year that TCNW participated in Travis County National Night Out. We have since had really great turn outs on many streets and are looking forward to increasing participation year after year! You may meet some of your neighbors that you have lived next to for years and have never met. It is a great time to see all the children playing together as their families share pot luck dinners with one another. What is your street doing this year to celebrate National Night Out? Do you have some ideas or suggestions? If so, please feel free to contact your Block Captain with ideas you might have to contribute for the event. All ideas and suggestions are welcomed! Be on the lookout for an e-mail from your Block Captain regarding this event.
SAFETY TIP FOR SEPTEMBER SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 7TH, 2014 @ 6PM, NATIONAL NIGHT OUT National Night Out, or “America’s Night Out Against Crime,” first took place in 1984 in 23 states as an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. It was meant to send a message that neighborhoods are organized & taking a stand against crime. Since inception, people everywhere were asked to turn their front porch lights on and keep them on throughout the evening, for this night only. This tradition is still recognized and practiced by neighborhoods across America.
Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.
EVERY neighbor should report EVERY crime, EVERY time! Report all criminal activity promptly to the Travis County Sheriff's Office. If local law enforcement does not know that crimes are occurring in our area, they will not know where to focus their patrols. In the case of an active emergency, always call 911. If your concern is not an emergency, please contact the Travis County Sheriff at (512) 974-0845, option #3.
WELCOME NEW BLOCK CAPTAINS We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest Block Captains. Having residents who are willing to step-up and volunteer are what make our Neighborhood Watch program successful. Thank you! (Continued on Page 4) Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2014