Pemberton Heights - October 2014

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

O ctober 2014, Vol V, I ssue X

Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association 2015 Board of Directors Official Election Ballot Please select up to THREE (3) of the following candidates:

Voter name: _________________________________________

1. Betty Trent 2. Don Simkins 3. Tina Weinberger

Street address: ________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________

There are three (3) open seats and three (3) candidates. Newly elected members will join the remaining six (6) Board Members. You must be a Member of PHNA to vote. Candidates must receive 10% of votes cast to be elected. Candidates: There are a total of three (3) candidates. You are voting for up to three (3) candidates to fill three vacancies on the PHNA Board of Directors. Candidate Biographies are posted on the neighborhood website at Candidates must receive at least 10% of the total votes cast to be elected. Eligible voters: To be eligible to vote for the 2014-2015 period, you must have paid membership dues to PHNA no later than Midnight, Saturday, November 1, 2014. Only

Email address: _______________________________________ Voter Signature: ______________________________________ See Instructions for additional information.


one (1) vote per member (household). Voting period: The voting period begins on Sunday, October 11, and ends at midnight on Saturday, November 1, 2014. Votes must be received or postmarked before this time period to be eligible. Earlier Ballots received at the Picnic will be valid. Votes will be counted on Saturday, 23 November. Delivery: Please submit your ballot by mail to PHNA, PO Box 50388, Austin, Texas 78763-0388 or in person at the picnic on October 26, 2014.

If you have not had a chance to sign up, then it’s not too late! Don’t miss out on an afternoon of great fun! Food will be catered by Cabo Bob’s; Capitol Beverage, Deep Eddy and Maine Root are providing beverages; Frost Bank will be serving Teo’s Gelato and water; and Will Dupry and his band will be playing music for your listening pleasure. Children attending will have fun getting their faces painted by Doodlebug the Clown and jumping around in two bouncy houses. Lone Star Latrine will provide facilities on-site.

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Ballot is not valid without the following information:

Additional information: For additional information and Candidate Biographies please visit the neighborhood website or to ask any questions, please contact:

Frank Hartmann Vice President, PHNA

We also have some great items for you to bid on at the silent auction: Jeffrey’s; Josephine House; Clark’s Oyster Bar; Congress; Capra & Cavelli; Reid’s Cleaners; New World Deli; Wheatsville Co-op; Texas French Bread; Blast Blow Dry; Passion Nail Salon; and new this year we have two condos to bid on: one here in Pemberton and one in Santa Fe, NM. We would like to give a big thank you to all of our great sponsors this year and their contributions to our picnic, especially this year’s Platinum sponsors: A&T U-verse, Cabo Bob’s and Frost Bank. (Continued on Page 7) The Pemberton Journal - October 2014


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