Davenport Ranch - November 2014

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Davenport Ranch

Volume 10, Number 11 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association

November 2014 www.DavenportRanch.org


WASTEWATER AVERAGING DURING THE WINTER MONTHS Did you know that the wastewater bill that you will pay the entire next year is determined during the upcoming four winter months? Your wastewater bill can often be as much or more than your actual water bill, so it’s important to monitor your water consumption during the months of November through March to ensure that your wastewater bill is as low as possible. The water usage in your house (for showers, sinks, toilets, laundry, etc) is more difficult to curb and is typically much less than the water used outside the home (for sprinkler systems and pools). Therefore, the best way to adjust your wastewater burden during the averaging period is to scale back the amount of water used to water your lawn and landscape during the winter months. Plants and lawn grasses enter a dormancy period during the cooler months and do not need nearly as much water to be sustained Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

as compared to the summer months. Properly adjusting your winter water consumption can save you hundreds of dollars per month in wastewater charges, which can add up to thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Not to mention, you are helping to preserve our water resources during the drought. For more specific details on wastewater averaging, visit the City of Austin Utilities website at www.coautilities.com, or call (512) 494-9400 to speak to a representative that can answer your questions. You can also speak to a landscape professional at a local nursery to determine what amount of water is appropriate for your landscape during the fall and winter months. (Note: This year, the city will be averaging all three of your full billing cycles, they will not throw out the highest of the three as in previous years.) Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - November 2014





NEW BAKER 4 DR SENIOR PATROL OFFICER Darrell Grayson .......................................... 512-947-5242 ..........................................Darrell.Grayson@ci.austin.tx.us EMERGENGY Police and Fire Emergencies.......................................... 9-1-1 Reports/Non-Emergencies................................................311 HOSPITALS South Austin Hospital (10 miles).................... 512-447-2211 901 W. Ben White Blvd Brackenridge Hospital..................................... 512-324-7000 601 15th Street Seton Hospital (10.5 miles)............................. 512-324-1000 corner of 35th and Medical Pkwy - best choice for serious problems Children's Hospital of Austin (13 miles)......... 512-324-8000 I-35 and 15th Seton Northwest (10 miles)............................. 512-324-6000 11113 Research (183 N just past Braker) North Austin Hospital (8.5 miles)................... 512-901-1000 Mopac and Parmer Heart Hospital ............................................... 512-407-7000 3801 N. Lamar Urgent Care day and after hours: Austin Regional Clinic – FarWest.................... 512-346-6611 6835 Austin Center Blvd Poison Control............................................. 1-800-222-1222 ANIMAL CONTROL Envirocare Pest Control................................... 512-416-9191 Animal Pick up (dead animals) ...............................494-9400 Animal Control (pick up stray or injured)...............972-6060 Barking Dog ....................................................................311 UTILITIES Austin Energy Customer Service..................... 512-494-9400 Austin Water Utility........................................ 512-494-9400 Texas Gas Service Customer Service................ 800-700-2443 Time Warner Cable Customer Service............. 512-485-5555 Phone Payments.......................................... 512-485-6500 SBC 24-hr Info Line:................................... 1-888-294-8433 Residential Phone Ordering:..................... 1-800-464-7928 Residential Phone Repair:......................... 1-800-246-8464 MISCELLANEOUS Goodwin Management, Inc........................... 512- 502-7517 Abandoned Cars......................................................280-0075 Airport- A.B.I.A. Flight Info. .................................530-2242 Garbage Collection.................................................494-9400 Lost mailbox key, Jim Howe; jimhowe@cox.net......844-4222 Streetlight Problem .................................................505-7617 Street Signs: Bridge & Street, Sam West..................974-8775 Street Sign Replacement..........................................457-4885 Hazardous Waste ....................................................974-4343 NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc...........................................................512-263-9181 2

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2014

President: Larry Eisenberg....................................... Larry@CTXIG.com Vice Presidents: Joe Thrash, Architectural Review...........jthrash@austin.rr.com John Soyring..............................................john@soyring.com Marc Alcedo.............................................. Malcedo@me.com Shiela Walker..................................... shielagwalker@gmail.com Treasurer: Don Neville................................ Don.Neville@Tatumllc.com Secretary: Mercedes Frost............................... mercedesfrost@gmail.com Association Manager Earline Wakefield............... earline.wakefield@goodwintx.com

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Goodwin Management, Inc 11149 Research, Suite 100 • Austin,Texas 78759-5227 Off: 512 502-7526 • Cell: 512 470-5104 • Fax: 512 346-4873 PRESIDENT DAVENPORT RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER BOARD Meredith Landry.................................................tejas42@aol.com

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Davenport Ranch

Communications Survey This past year, a Community Relations committee was organized with new board members dedicated to improving neighborhood communications. To hear about current happening within the neighborhood (social events, meetings, presentations, etc), please join the new Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Facebook page at www.facebook.com/austindrna or our Twitter page at www. twitter.com/AustinDRNA. Our main website services can be found

at http://hoasites.goodwintx.com/dna/Home.aspx The committee is also trying to build a more comprehensive and accurate database of Davenport residents. This is vital to improving community communications in the future. If you have not returned the survey mailed to you last month, please consider filling it out and returning it to our management office, address below. Thanks!

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Survey Resident Information Name(s): ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Email:


Telephone Numbers: Landline: ___________________________________________ Mobile: ___________________________________________ Preferred Communication Method, please select one Letter Email Phone Areas you would like to hear about or see more of: Neighborhood watch/safety Neighborhood social gatherings or groups Firewise Prevention Program Other, please specify: _______________________________ _________________________________________________

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

Are you interested in volunteering? _____ Yes / _____ No If yes, please specify area(s) of interest: _______________________ ____________________________________________________ Comments, thoughts or suggestions for the DRNA Board: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Send to: Goodwin Management, Inc. Attention: Earline Wakefield & Jim Smitherman 11149 Research Blvd. Austin, Texas 78759 Note: Information provided will be used for DRNA purposes only

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - November 2014


Davenport Ranch

Home Improvement Projects Require ARB Approval

There has recently been a proliferation of projects, both within the bounds of the Davenport deed restrictions and some outside of them, that have been started without first seeking approval from the Architectural Review Board. Please remember that you MUST first apply and receive approval from the ARB before you commence on a home improvement project to avoid unnecessary fines and fees. It is both time and cost effective to follow this procedure so that you know your project can proceed smoothly and not be subject to halting or, in the extreme case, removal of work that was already completed because it does not meet neighborhood building guidelines set forth in our CC&Rs. So, what types of remodels, renovations, or landscaping work need approval from the ARB, and how does a homeowner receive approval to start the process? All exterior remodels and renovations, as well as some interior ones, that change the existing look of your home or other structures on the property need approval from the Architectural Review Board before you begin work. Landscape

work that creates new beds or requires the installation of hardscape also requires approval. It is always best to check with our property manager, Earline Wakefield at earline.wakefield@goodwintx.com or (512) 502-7526, when in doubt. An overview of the process and the Davenport CC&Rs can be found on our website, www.goodwintx. com (select Davenport Ranch Neighborhood from the drop-down menu) and the ARB Review forms can be found there as well. The ARB Review form will contain further information about the fees, deposits and processes that you must follow throughout your project. What exactly is the Architectural Review Board (ARB)? The Architectural Review Board for Davenport Ranch is comprised of volunteer homeowners and an outside, paid architect who review the construction plans submitted by homeowners prior to commencing a project on their property. The ARB ensures that the plans abide by the deed restrictions and CC&Rs for Davenport Ranch, which in turn promotes harmony, fairness, and home value preservation throughout the neighborhood.

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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - November 2014


Davenport Ranch CROSSWORD PUZZLE Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1.ACROSS Charge Southwest by south 5.1.Syrian bishop 5. Prophet who built the arc 9. Against 9. In __ of 10. Landing 10. Short poem 11. Leaves 11. Iraq's neighbor 12. Boom box 12. More able 13. Allure 13. System 15. 15.African Conger antelope 16. Polite 16. Avows 18. green 18.Leafy Angora (2 wds.) 21. 21.Marry Finale 22. 22.Esophagus Growls 26.Woken Do penitence 26. 28.Goad Has 4 identical siblings 28. 29.Type Automaton 29. of tooth 30.Refer Ancient Indian 30. 31.Posttraumatic Espy 31. stress 32. Tier disorder 32. Sieve © 2006. Feature Exchange

DOWN 1.DOWN Nativity scene piece Skinny 2.1.Competition at the Greek 2.games Flexible metal thread Lick 3.3.Capital of the Ukraine 4. Sunbonnet 4. Symbol 5. Catch 5.6.Expression of surprise Cargo ship 6.7.Emblem BB Player Abdul Jabar 7.8.Pickle juice Throws violently 8.10. A ball out ofwds.) bounds (2 wds.) Played (2 10. violently 14.Twist Counterbalance 14. 17.Ripper Iranian's neighbors 17. 18.Strums What you shift 19.Slough Upon (2 wds.) 18. 20.Ross Philippine dish with mari19. ___, philanthropist nated chicken or pork 20. Gods 23.Brand Peewee 23. of sandwich cookie 24. Aphids 24. Seaweed substance 25. Fasten 25. Cabana 27. Negative 27. Blue

View answers online at www.peelinc.com ACROSS 1. Southwest by south 5. Prophet who built the arc 9. In __ of 10. Short poem 11. Iraq's neighbor 12. More able 13. System 15. Conger 16. Avows 18. Angora (2 wds.) 21. Finale 22. Growls 26. Do penitence 28. Has 4 identical siblings 29. Automaton 30. Ancient Indian 31. Espy 32. Tier

DOWN 1. Skinny 2. Flexible metal thread 3. Lick 4. Sunbonnet 5. Catch 6. Cargo ship 7. BB Player Abdul Jabar 8. Throws violently 10. Played (2 wds.) 14. Counterbalance 17. Iranian's neighbors 18. What you shift 19. Upon (2 wds.) 20. Philippine dish with marinated chicken or pork 23. Peewee 24. Aphids 25. Fasten 27. Negative



© 2006. Feature Exchange



Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2014

© 2006. Feature Exchange


8500 BLUFFSTONE COVE · STE. B-101 · AUSTIN, TX 78759

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch At no time will any source be allowed to use the Davenport Ranch Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Davenport Ranch Homeowners Association and Peel Inc. The information in the Davenport Ranch Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Davenport Ranch residents only.


DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - November 2014


Davenport Ranch





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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - November 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

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