Davenport Ranch - November 2014

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Davenport Ranch

Volume 10, Number 11 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association

November 2014 www.DavenportRanch.org


WASTEWATER AVERAGING DURING THE WINTER MONTHS Did you know that the wastewater bill that you will pay the entire next year is determined during the upcoming four winter months? Your wastewater bill can often be as much or more than your actual water bill, so it’s important to monitor your water consumption during the months of November through March to ensure that your wastewater bill is as low as possible. The water usage in your house (for showers, sinks, toilets, laundry, etc) is more difficult to curb and is typically much less than the water used outside the home (for sprinkler systems and pools). Therefore, the best way to adjust your wastewater burden during the averaging period is to scale back the amount of water used to water your lawn and landscape during the winter months. Plants and lawn grasses enter a dormancy period during the cooler months and do not need nearly as much water to be sustained Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

as compared to the summer months. Properly adjusting your winter water consumption can save you hundreds of dollars per month in wastewater charges, which can add up to thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Not to mention, you are helping to preserve our water resources during the drought. For more specific details on wastewater averaging, visit the City of Austin Utilities website at www.coautilities.com, or call (512) 494-9400 to speak to a representative that can answer your questions. You can also speak to a landscape professional at a local nursery to determine what amount of water is appropriate for your landscape during the fall and winter months. (Note: This year, the city will be averaging all three of your full billing cycles, they will not throw out the highest of the three as in previous years.) Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - November 2014


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