Kleinwood - November 2014

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K leinwood Krier Official Publication of the Kleinwood Homeowners Association

November 2014

Volume 4, Issue 11


CRAFT SHOW The 19th Annual Langham Creek FFA Craft Show is November 8th & 9th at the Cy-Fair ISD Exhibit Center at Telge/Hwy 290. The indoor facility will have over 100 vendors selling a wide variety of products just in time for holiday shopping. We will have concessions, silent auction & raffle, chicken bingo and more! Vendor booths are still available! Please email langhamcreekffa@ yahoo.com or call 281-734-1153 with questions or to obtain a vendor application. All proceeds benefit the LC FFA students!


Shalom Cypress was established in 2011 by local families seeking a Jewish presence in Northwest Houston. Shalom Cypress Hebrew School is now open for enrollment for the Fall & Spring 2014/2015 year. This upcoming year Morah Alana is going to concentrate on conversational Hebrew with the children. The 1st day of Hebrew School was August 28th, but it is not too late to register for the class!

Please see our below upcoming event schedule for November:

Seeking Mrs. Claus! Breakfast with Santa at Kleinwood needs a mother; no experience required. If you've seen Mary Poppins you'll know the qualifications - cheery disposition and all! We'll help with the work but need YOU to step forward and take charge. A wonderful prior Mrs. Claus will be able to advise and we can even supply Santa's Helper, unless you prefer your own. Contact Stacy Johnston at sjohnston@ chaparralmanagement.com or 281-586-1742.

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.

Coffee Night & Parsha Study (Every Wed) Nov. 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. Discussion on Current Events from a Jewish Perspective with Rabbi Rami Nov. 13th Shabbat Services & Dinner Nov 14th and Nov. 15th SAVE THE DATE:

Hanukkah Celebration on Dec. 20th Please visit our website at www.shalomcypress. org and/or e-mail us at info@shalomcypress.org to find out more details about the upcoming events.

The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014


KLEINWOOD IMPORTANT NUMBERS KLEINWOOD MAINTENANCE BOARD Larry Chamberlin, President............................ 281-580-2222 Ronnie Brod, Vice President............................. 281-370-9200 Tom Houser, Secretary..................................... 281-379-6517 Jeff Gobbel, Treasurer....................................... 281-251-7767 Kelly Smith, Director at Large.......................... 281-370-9735 KLEINWOOD MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Sherry Allard, President.................................... 281-923-8603 Joe Fratangelo, Vice President.......................... 281-251-3189 Bernie Bryl, Secretary-Treasurer........................ 281-251-2688 David C Guerrero, Assistant Secretary.............. 281-251-2773 Robert Ehmann, Asst. V.P. & Asst. Sec............. 281-251-8621 MANAGEMENT COMPANY Chaparral Management.................................... 281-537-0957 POOL MANAGEMENT COMPANY Southwest Pool Management........................... 281-370-2474 MUD FACILITY MANAGER & BUILDING RENTALS Roger Schuett................................................... 281-685-1275 NEIGHBORHOOD COORDINATORS Jeff Gobbel, Message Board Coord...... jeffgob1@sbcglobal.net Jeff Gobbel, Pool Liaison.................................. 281-593-5405 Mona Currey, Newsletter Editor.......... mona@aegis-web.com Ronnie Brod, Tennis Liaison............................ 281-370-9200 Head Block Captain............................................... NEEDED SCHOOLS Mittelstadt Elementary..................................... 832-484-6711 Kleb Middle School......................................... 832-249-5500 Klein High School............................................ 832-484-4000

COMMUNITY SERVICES Emergency........................................................................911 Harris County Constable................................. 281-376-3472 C.C.E.M.S....................................................... 281-440-4300 St. Lukes Vintage Hospital............................... 832-534-5000 Methodist Willowbrook Hospital..................... 281-737-1000 Poison Control Center..................................... 281-654-1701 Waste Management.......................................... 713-686-6666 Klein VFD Business Office............................... 281-376-4449 Water/Sewer Repairs (24/7).............................. 832-467-1599 Water/Sewer Billing Questions......................... 832-467-1599 Reliant Energy/HL&P..................................... 713-207-7777 Centerpoint (report streetlight outings)............ 713-207-2222 Harris County Library, Barbara Bush Branch... 281-376-4610 Harris County, Precinct 4................................. 281-353-8424 Harris County Animal Control........................ 281-999-3191 Aircraft Noise Complaints................................ 281-233-3900 Environmental Development Partners.............. 832-467-1599 Harris County Dispute Resolution Center....... 713-755-8274 ....................................................... www.co.harris.tx.us/drc Domestic Violence........................................... 281-401-6250 Harris County Animal Control........................ 281-999-3191 Dead Animal Pick-up....................................... 713-699-1113 Harris County...........................................www.co.harris.tx.us Poison Control..............................................1-800-764-7661 Harris County Health Dept............................. 713-439-6000 .................................................................. www.hcphes.org Harris County Community Service.................. 281-353-8424 Ha.................................................................... www.hcp4.net Harris County Appraisal District...................... 713-757-7800 ......................................................................www.hcad.org Harris County Flood Control District.............. 713-684-4000 .....................................................................www.hcfcd.org NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER PEEL Inc.................................................... www.peelinc.com Advertising....................................................... 888-687-6444

Make an impact. 2

The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014

Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.


NORTHWEST HOUSTON St. Ignatius Loyola Women’s Club

20th Annual Holiday Bazaar Saturday November 8, 2014 9am - 4pm St. Ignatius Loyola Church 7810 Cypresswood Dr. Spring, Texas 77379 (next to meyer ey Park) k)

For booth info, contact Women’s Club at HolidayBazaar@SILCC.org

Your Community at Your Fingertips


In the early hours of March 7, 1999, Justina Page’s life changed forever when a four-alarm house fire ravaged and destroyed her family’s home. "The Circle of Fire" is the triumphant story of how Justina, her husband and five children struggled to survive and move on after losing a 22-month-old baby boy, and their home. She shares that personal tragedy is not a life sentence to despair, anger, and continual pain and suffering. Instead, it is a discovery of how something positive can be salvaged from every agonizing experience, even when your faith has truly been tried by fire. The Northwest Houston Business & Professional Women invite you to hear this woman of courage at our monthly luncheon on Thursday, Nov 20 at Northgate Country Club, 17110 Northgate Forest Dr, Houston, Tx 77068. Register by Nov 18 at http:// nwhoustonbpw.com/. Contact Goldie Roberts with any questions @ 832-722-5064.

5:23 pm

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The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014



Klein United Methodist Church hosts Thanksgiving Feast On Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014, the volunteers of Klein United Methodist Church will prepare and serve a hearty Thanksgiving Feast for the community. All will be fed by this outpouring of love for God and our neighbors. Our mission is to prepare a feast for everyone who wants to enjoy the fellowship and companionship that Thanksgiving means to all of us. The feast will be prepared and served at Klein UMC located at FM 2920 and Kuykendahl. Turkey and ham with all the fixings, along with lots of pies, will be served for all who would like to join us. We will be serving from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. This is the Third Annual Thanksgiving Feast for Klein UMC which served approximately 130 of our neighbors last Thanksgiving. Come enjoy the love of Christ and fellowship.

Travel Back in Time for a Walk Thru Bethlehem Saturday, Dec. 6 10:00 a.m. to Noon Sunday, Dec. 7 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Join us for Breakfast in Bethlehem for the whole family – reservations required! Also on Saturday, we’re expecting SNOW from 9:00 a.m. to Noon!

John Wesley United Methodist Church 5830 Bermuda Dunes · Houston, TX 77069 281.444.2112 · www.jwumc.org


The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014

We invite you to enjoy breakfast in Bethlehem and play in the snow! Then join us for this recreation of Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. Share this unique, hands-on experience with the whole family. Meet the Holy Family, ride the camel and donkey, and visit local craftsmen as they ply their trade. There is no charge for this event. Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.


Ayusa is looking for Host Families! Hosting an exchange students if a wonderful way for your family to give back together, all while experiencing a new culture. Ayusa exchange students are between the ages of 15 and 18 and come from over 60 countries from around the world. They come with their own spending money and health insurance, and have studied English for at least three years. Most of all, they are eager to learn about your American family! Host families can come in all shapes and sizes! We work with single moms and dads, empty nesters, families with young children, never marrieds and same sex couples. To qualify to host, you need to:

• Pass a background check • Meet with a local Ayusa representative • Received school permission to enroll the exchange student (handled by Ayusa) • Be able to provide the student with room and board, and • Provide a safe, supportive and loving home environment. To learn more about hosting and how you can make a difference, please visit www.ayusa.org or contact Vicki Odom at vodom@ayusa.org or (832) 455-7881.

Submit your news at: www.peelinc.com

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014



(BPT) - Fall: love it or hate it? People who suffer from fall allergies no doubt love the fall colors and the festive time of year, while hating the sneezing, sniffling, wheezing and itching. So what's an autumn lover to do? Batten down the hatches and get ready for fall allergy season with the following tips from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). The early bird catches the ... allergy meds? "The most important reminder we can give people is to start taking their fall allergy medication two weeks or so before symptoms usually begin," says allergist Dr. James Sublett, ACAAI president-elect. "You should also continue your medication for two weeks after the first frost. Because of nasal and eye symptoms associated with ragweed allergies, symptoms can linger after pollen is no longer in the air. You can't run, but you can avoid exposure While it's impossible to completely escape pollen and molds, here are some other ways to lessen exposure. • Keep car and home windows closed and use air conditioning, if possible. • Remember to change home and auto air filters and replace them with high efficiency filters. • Don't hang clothing outdoors to dry. Pollen may cling to towels and sheets. • Outdoor air usually is most heavily saturated with pollen between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., so early morning is a good time to limit outdoor activities. Mold spores, however, are released due to wind, or other activities that stir them up. • Wear a NIOSH-rated 95 filter mask when mowing the lawn, raking 6

The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014

leaves or gardening, and take appropriate medication beforehand. Apple picking, pumpkin pie and food allergies? As summer eases into fall, kids are back in school and adults start thinking about food-centric holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Holidays that focus on food might also involve food allergies. One of the challenging issues is that many people may think they have a food allergy when what they really have is food intolerance. Food intolerance can often mimic a food allergy, causing nausea and vomiting, but is not life-threatening. The best way to determine whether what you're experiencing is a food allergy is to see an allergist for testing. An allergist will help you develop an action plan to deal with whatever allergies or intolerances you may have. Take a deep breath and get an asthma screening Many people don't know that allergies and asthma go hand-in-hand, and that an allergy can trigger a life-threating asthma attack if the person is unaware they have one, or both, of these chronic illnesses. To help children and adults with symptoms of asthma and allergy know if they are at risk, allergists from around the country participate in the Nationwide Asthma Screening Program. ACAAI offers free allergy and asthma screenings throughout the year. The screenings, sponsored by Teva Respiratory, take place at about 100 locations nationwide. A list of screenings can be found by visiting acaai.org/nasp. For those who may think they have allergy and asthma but cannot attend a screening, ACAAI offers free online tools, such as the Asthma and Allergies Symptom Test, MyNasalAllergyJournal and an Allergist Locator, to track symptoms and find a local board-certified allergist. Reprinted with permission ©2014 Brandpoint Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

KLEINWOOD At no time will any source be allowed to use The Kleinwood Krier's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in The Kleinwood Krier is exclusively for the private use of the Kleinwood HOA and Peel, Inc.


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The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014



308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






The Kleinwood Krier - November 2014

Copyright © 2014 Peel, Inc.

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