The Grapevine
The Grapevine November 2014, Volume 8, Issue 11
Rusk Road Fence Project Concretex began the first phase of replacing the existing wooden perimeter fence that provides the back border for your property several weeks ago! The plan is to replace the fence all the way to Leah Lane in this first phase. The second and final phase will begin in early 2015.
Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association
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At the September 17th Board Meeting, the directors were selected to fill positions as follows: Donna Kohn - President Doug White - Vice President Jack Wasserboehr - Secretary Jennifer Smith - Treasurer Carl Anderson - Member at Large
Sonoma HOA 2014 Social Events DECEMBER 6, 2014
Santa Claus returns to Barefoot Pool, 11am-1pm Thank you to all those who volunteered their time thus ensuring that all our events were tremendously successful!!!
Copyright Š 2014 Peel, Inc.
The Grapevine - November 2014