Copperfield - January 2015

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January 2015


Volume 7, Issue 1

Copperfield Coalition December 2014


By now our residents have been witnessing and experiencing the associated traffic delays with the construction of the medians on Hwy 6 running from I-10 to West Little York. TxDOT has been working overtime to stay on schedule and complete the work and already, despite the delays, the numbers of traffic incidents are decreasing according to TxDOT. So now the next logical question is, “when are they going to complete the work through Copperfield to Hwy 290?” Well according to TxDOT’s John Elam, North Harris County Area Engineer, the project has funding and calls for completing all the medians up to Hwy 290 by mid-2015. And then in a second phase, going from Hwy 290 all the way to Hwy 249 Tomball Parkway, to be completed in 2016. You can read more about it on the TxDOT website at:

Alec Peck has earned the highest rank for Boy Scouts, the rank of Eagle. Alec is a from Troop 573, out of Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church on Huffmeister. He is the son of Chris and Mary Peck, brother of Charles Peck. His adventure began when he joined Cub Scout Pack 445 in first grade at Fiest Elementary School. Through Cub Scouts, he progressed through Wolf, Bear, Webelos, attended many family camp outs, summer day camps and earning his Arrow of Light award. He participated in numerous community service projects including scouting for food, needs for SPCA, drives for school needs and singing carols at Brookwood community. As a Boy Scout, he continued to support his Pack by being a den chief for the Dragon Patrol. Summers could find him volunteering as a counselor for vacation bible school and at camp. Camping experiences are numerous. Rock climbing, whether at Enchanted Rock or in Colorado, became a favorite. 2012 found him at 14,100 Ft on Mt. Shavano, CO. As a student of Cypress Falls High school, he maintained many upper levels classes while being a member of the Men's choir, selected to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association gathering in San Antonio, and the ACapella choir. Alec lettered in choir. Science Olympiad and Comedy Sportz were enjoyed as well as Computer club. He was recognized for his computer knowledge by receiving the Eagle Award

MEETINGS We usually hold meetings the third Tuesday of each month at the Copperfield Community Center at 7 PM but please always check our web site as we occasionally skip months, especially during the summer vacation and holiday periods. Everyone is welcome to join us to learn about the many ways you can become more involved in protecting our property values and preserving our quality of life! MEMBERSHIP Please join the effort by becoming a member at: www. Resident membership is only $25 per year and business membership is only $250 per year! Please join us today. Note that one of our first area business supporters, the Copperfield Carwash, has been sold to Mister Carwash, part of a national chain of car wash and lube centers with over 20 locations in Houston. We welcome Mister Carwash to our community. We launched our NEW website – please let us know what you think and drop us a feedback note. WWW.COPPERFIELDCOALITION.COM Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

(Continued on Page 2) The Copperfield Courier - January 2015 1

COPPERFIELD COURIER IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCIES NUMBERS EMERGENCY.................................................................. 911 Fire..................................................................................... 911 Ambulance......................................................................... 911 Sheriff – Non-Emergency...................................713-221-6000 Harris County Fire Department.........................281-931-1085 Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department....................281-550-6663 Poison Control Center.......................................800-222-1222 Harris County Animal Control..........................713-207-2222 Flooded Roadways & Storm Sewers...................281-463-6300 SCHOOLS Cy-Fair ISD Fiest Elementary................................................281- 463-5838 Lowery Elementary...........................................281- 463-5900 Owens Elementary............................................281- 370-4040 Copeland Elementary........................................281- 856-1400 Holmsley Elementary........................................281- 463-5885 Aragon Middle School......................................281- 856-5100 Labay Middle School.........................................281- 463-5800 Cy-Fair High School ........................................281- 897-4600 Cy-Falls High School........................................281- 856-1000 Langham Creek High School............................281- 463-5400 UTILITIES CenterPoint Energy............................................713-207-2222 Waste Corporation of Texas - Trash Pickup....... 713-292-2400 Severn Trent Water Services ...............................281-579-4500 Southwest Water Company................................877-405-1750 Cable/Internet/Phone.........................................713-341-1000

(Continued from Cover) in computer science as a senior. Alec is also a member of the National Society of High School scholars. The Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition benefited from his Eagle project when presented with eighteen small mammal boxes. These boxes will hold infants such as squirrels, raccoons and bunnies. They provide a crib type environment of comfort and security as they are nursed to health and returned to nature by their rehab volunteers. Alec currently attends Lone Star College where he intends to transfer to the University of a Texas at Austin and join the College of Engineering.

Come grow with us! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School

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Now Registering 2014-2015 School year


NEWSLETTER INFO PUBLISHER Peel,, 888-687-6444 Article Submission.........................

ADVERTISING INFO Please support the advertisers that make Copperfield Courier possible. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 888-687-6444 or The advertising deadline is the 8th of the month prior to the issue.


View the current issue of Copperfield Courier on the 1st day of each month at 2

The Copperfield Courier - January 2015





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What comes after the New Year? The Annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale, of course! You will be able to stock up on all your favorites this year, and there are some new aspects to the cookie sale. Girl Scouts will still go door-to-door, and hold cookie booths at area businesses, but you may also receive an e-vite to buy cookies on line. There is also a Cookie Finder AP available- check out the “cookies” section on the GSSJC website, Sales of Girl Scout Cookies help fund troop activities and maintain our Council camps and programs. Even more important, girls learn to set goals, make decisions and, manage money. They also learn people skills and business ethics. That’s a lot of value from a box of cookies! We appreciate the support of our friends and neighbors. Thank you for purchasing Girl Scout Cookies! December brought the return of our annual Leader/Daughter camp weekend. This was really a great time for all who attended. We hear that the talent show seems to have been something very special! Thirteen Dutch ovens in this year’s cook-off made for lots of good things to share. Crafts for moms and girls , screen printing new holiday T-shirts and the chance for leaders to spend some one-on –one time with their OWN daughters always makes a special weekend. Shopping in Wimberley, climbing the rock wall and enjoying the river (whether you are kayaking, wading, or just watching!) only add to the fun! Many thanks to Julie Mayer and her staff for all their hard work! Members of Brownie troop 113037 held an investiture, and are proud to report that they are now OFFICIALLY Brownies. Brownie Troop 16048 attended Scout Day at Dewberry Farm. The girls went on a hay ride, found their way through the corn maze, and enjoyed the petting zoo and pig races. Other troops went caroling, helped with food drives, and made holiday cards for nursing homes and veterans. Some troops also attended performances of “The Nutcracker “ballet, and may have earned a special patch. Girl Scouts of all ages are looking forward to the resident camp catalog that will be coming out soon! Whether your idea of fun at camp involves acting or archery, you are likely to find a camp session that is just what you want! San Jacinto Council offers resident, day and twilight camps. Girl Scouting is open to all girls ages 5 (must be in kindergarten) through 17 who are willing to accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Girls may join at any age, and no previous Scouting experience is required. Copper Creek Meadows Community serves girls in the residence areas for the following elementary schools (and the corresponding middle and high schools). Home schooled and private school students are always welcome! Our elementary schools are: Lieder, Metcalf, Wilson, Tipps, Texas Christian School, Birkes, Fiest, Lowery, Horne, Hairgrove, Owens, Kirk, Lee, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Christian Life Center. Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

For more information, please contact Marlo Folwell ( marlo. or call 281-353-7614. You may also contact Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council (, or call 713-292-0300.

The Copperfield Courier - January 2015 3


Our Seniors are On Top Of The World! So many exciting events coming up and we need all Senior Parents to help! JANUARY 2015

January 17 Mr. LOBO Langham Creek High School Tickets now on sale! January 19 Project Prom 2015 General Meeting, 7:30pm in the LCHS Library January 3 Running With The Pack Fun Run at Harris County Hershey Park. This event is open to all ages for dogs and their humans. Early bird registration is now open

Cypress Falls High School Choir WHAT A GREAT 2014!

The year started off with a flurry of activity. The ice cream social where the students get to mix and know each other a little better and the choir officers introduce themselves. Glorious creations with syrup, toppings galore and sprinkles were enjoyed by all! The fundraisers throughout the year have been very successful and support the choir activities that allow participation for all. The pizzas, cookies, chocolate and poinsettias were scattered with delight. Thank you to our community for your involvement in our efforts. Our greatest success, was our fantastic dinner theatre chaired by Julie Mayer and cochaired by Tanya McLaughlin. They spent many hours collecting donations and organizing baskets for the silent auction. Their dedication resulted in the best turn out yet! Our choir, along with Truitt and Labay middle schools, provided the soundtrack of a wonderful evening. Congratulations! Choir Social night at ITZ is always a fun event. Who doesn't love a pizza buffet? Surrounded with lights and bells of gaming, bowling and a swirling,coaster ride - it jus shouts good times! Throughout the year, students audition for the honor of becoming part of the All State Choir. At each level, the numbers lessen. Singing (Continued on Page 5)


February 13 Mardi Gras Costume Ball/Casino at Pine Forest Country Club. Tickets are now on sale! February 16 Project Prom 2015 General Meeting, 7:30pm in the LCHS Library Come to one our general meetings or go www.lchsprojectprom. com to purchase tickets to all of the upcoming events and to learn more how you can be involved in this memorable year. Remember by your participation you will be earning points for your senior for the After Prom at Dave & Busters. Too busy to help? Go to our website to the Busy Parent to learn how you can gain points for your senior. Link your Kroger card at tp#84364 @ Like us on Facebook lchsprojectprom2015 Twitter @lchspprom ( PROM IS MAY 1, 2015!!! 4

The Copperfield Courier - January 2015

Copyright Š 2015 Peel, Inc.

COPPERFIELD COURIER (Continued from Page 4) first for Region choir, on to District, Pre-Area, Area and then finally, State. We have three members to recognize going on to the State Audition in January: Jordan Ramos (9th grade), Kailey Kolb (10th grade), and Madison Clewis (11th grade). If you know these students, please take a moment to shake their hand and congratulate them on their accomplishment. The Fall concert filled the Autumn air with melody. Such a beautiful way to celebrate the changing season! This wonderous performance was followed by the joyful Holiday concert. The crisp air helped the joyful season to be heartfelt as voices lifted up the spirit! There is no better sound than the voices of our children joined together in harmony to fill our hearts with delight to be carried all season long. Wrapping up the year was the holiday party. Savory snacks and food accompanied by the overflowing sugary confections of the season stuffed our students. They smiled and laughed through team games, friendly competitions and a lively white elephant gift exchange, WHEW! Without the efforts of our coveted, masterful Director Deidre Douglas and Assistant Director Matthew Perez, this choir would not blossom. The support of the Executive Choir Board headed by Hilary Bracher is the driving force behind all the activities that make the choir engine go. Gratitude is due to our amazing parents and their

Advertise your business to your neighbors

involvement in our future. Thank you to all our volunteers for your countless hours of commitment to our children. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours from our choir family. May you keep a song in your heart!

Officers: (left to right) Kailey Kolb, Sofia Nash, Ryan Robbins, Chelsea Attaway, and Madison Clewis. (Sitting) Diana Lou, Grace Bracher

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Classified Ads

Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Copperfield residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 888-687-6444 or

Support Your Community Newsletter Jackie Owens Sales Representative

832-482-8132 Peel, Inc. community newsletters

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COPPERFIELD COURIER The Copperfield Courier is a private publication published by Peel, Inc. It is not sanctioned by any homeowners association or organization, nor is it subject to the approval of any homeowners association or organization, nor is it intended, nor implied to replace any publication that may be published by or on behalf of any homeowners association or organization. At no time will any source be allowed to use The Copperfield Courier contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc. Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

Teenage Job Seekers Baby Pet House Yard Name

Age Sit Sit Sit Work


Bayli, Luke..................15...........•........ •.......•............ 832-776-5291 Brown, Hope..............15...........•........ •.......•............ 832-776-5661 Denniss, Brittany........18...........•....................................281-373-2198 Denniss, Brooke..........15...........•....................................281-373-2198 Bright, Dylan..............15.....................•.........•..........•.....832-641-9878 Bright, Hannah...........13...........•.........•.........•................832-641-9878 Niazian, Nicolas*+......16...........•.........•.........•................281-861-4642 Niazian, Abigail*+.......14...........•.........•.........•................281-861-4642 Peltier, Victoria............17...........•.........•.........•..........•.....281-736-8795 Schmidt, Alexandra*...17...........•.........•.........•................713-410-2231 Sparks, Bailee*+...........13...........•.........•.........•................713-204-6628 Taylor, Brandon..........14..........................................•.....713-516-1684 Van Heuveln, Tessa*+..17...........•.........•.........•................832-373-9466 Wade, Brian................14.....................•.........•................832-748-1879 Wade, Tori..................13...........•.........•.........•................832-748-1879 Wang, Lance...............14.....................•.........•..........•..... 832 314 2461

*-CPR Training +-First Aid Training

Attention Teenagers

The Teenage Job Seekers listing service is offered free of charge to all Copperfield teenagers seeking work. Submit your name and information to by the 9th of the month!

Got any? Submit your good news at


The Copperfield Courier - January 2015

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The Copperfield Courier - January 2015 7






Mark Ellis, e-pro • Catherine Ellis, cpa Clint Nabors, gri, cne • Amy Nabors, chms




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The Copperfield Courier - January 2015


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