Hunter's Chase - January 2015

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Hunter's Chase Gazette

HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA

January 2015 Volume 5, Issue 1

NEIGHBORHOOD Tips to Get Fiscally Fit in 2015!


The Hunter's Chase Homeowners Association Board (HOA) endeavors to spend your HOA dues wisely! Our park and pool are amenities owned and maintained for all property owners, and many improvements were made in 2014. Here's a summary:

POOL AREA 1. Reconditioned the turtle water feature and refitted the connection, as well as releveled the mushroom in the kiddie pool area. 2. Improved pressure to water features and drainage for the kiddie pool. 3. Automated chemical treatments, which allowed the pool to remain open seven days a week. 4. Increased janitorial service to three days a week. 5. New pool furniture, clock and deck storage box. 6. New bird deterrent system. 7. Tile repair and filtration media replacement. (Continued on Page 3) Copyright Š 2015 Peel, Inc.

Lots of people begin the New Year making resolutions to improve their finances. Here are sound financial tips from the nonprofit National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) to help make financial resolutions a reality: Do it now. Many will wait until they feel the time is right to begin new behaviors. If you wait until after the big party to start watching your diet, or until after that big purchase to start saving money, the ideal time will never present itself. Write down your financial resolutions. Clearly articulate why you think your resolution is a good idea, steps you can take to reach your goal, and what you hope to gain. Post your list where you will see it each day. Identify your money morals. Understanding your values and attitudes about money will bring clarity to the decision-making process. NEFE offers various online tools, such as the LifeValues Quiz, which will help you identify your values and make resolutions based on those values. Recruit a "financial buddy." Share your resolutions with a trusted family member or friend who can provide support in helping you meet your financial goals. Find someone who will hold you accountable and will set a good example for you to follow. Vary goal intensity. Give yourself a short-term objective such as paying more than the minimum on one credit card this month. A long-term goal could be setting up and adding to the emergency savings account. Monitor your progress regularly. If you are trying to reduce debt, make sure you check your balances often. Set aside a couple of hours each week to address your finances. Over time this will become second nature and part of your normal routine. Address conflict logically. If you find yourself breaking a financial goal by reverting to old spending habits, identify what might be causing you to stray and take the time to ask yourself if the decision is appropriate given your current financial situation.

Hunter's Chase Gazette - January 2015


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