The Pemberton Journal
The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication
Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association
January 2015, Vol VI, Issue I
Felicity Huffman Rents House on Preston Felicity Huffman is an American film, stage, and television actress who has been nominated for an Academy Award and has won a Golden Globe Award, Emmy, Obie, and three Screen Actors Guild Awards. While spending four months shooting a film in Austin this past fall, she lived on Preston Ave. in Pemberton Heights and joined the “Girls in the 'Hood” on the 18th of November for a wonderful evening hosted by Lisa Stark Walsh. Below are excerpts from a blog posted during her stay: “I used to wish I were Jewish. The coolest people all seemed to be Jewish and I wanted in the club and even have my own belated Bat Mizvah. But after spending four months in Austin, Texas I have replaced wanting to be one of God’s Chosen People with wanting to be one of God’s Texan People. Or maybe some mix of the two? . . . My newest love is the Lone Star State. It’s the southern hospitality that makes me swoon. “. . . I rented a sweet little house in Austin [on Preston] with a
screened in porch, where on my days off I have coffee and meditate. Within the first week of being here neighbors dropped off maps, lists of nearby grocery stores, and invitations to tea. One sweet woman brought over the contact list of all the neighbors in a 4-block radius which included their home phones, cells numbers, kids names and ages! “On the weekends the kids have lemonade stands, and in the evenings I hear the neighborhood come alive with the sound of children playing in their yards. They are just dinking around, playing. I can’t remember the last time I saw kids in that floatykind-of-bored-aimless space where they are actually MAKING UP THEIR OWN FUN. “. . . True, Austin is the only city in Texas where I have lived, but it seems to me to be the jewel in the crown. Everyone here is a musician or at least a music lover. How can you not adore a city where within a couple miles you can find a band playing, kids dancing and older folks doing the two-step?”
PH Musicians Make a Joyful Noise Pemberton Heights residents Erin Schanning and Adrienne Inglis contributed their musical talents to Chorus Austin's annual Yuletide concert last month. Erin sang in the soprano section of the symphony choir, and Adrienne played the flute in the orchestra under the baton of Ryan Heller. The 180-voice Symphonic Chorus and 40-voice Chamber Ensemble united with the full orchestra to perform Bach's Magnificat, and a creative assortment of holiday music including Joy to the World and Silent Night. The familyfriendly concert was held Saturday, December 13th at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church.
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The Pemberton Journal - January 2015