Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch
As you are hopefully aware, the Cedar Park City Council voted to approve the voluntary full-purpose annexation of WCID 1F & 1G (as well as Bella Vista MUD) at their meeting on December 11th. The annexation went into full effect on December 22, 2014 and our neighborhood became officially a part of the city of Cedar Park. By now you should have received an information packet in the mail regarding the annexation and city services. If not, you can read an electronic version of the packet by visiting http://www.cedarparktexas. gov/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=4322. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Block Captains in their efforts to increase awareness as we were going through the annexation petition process. With the help of our network of Block Captain Volunteers we were able to efficiently distribute information to our neighbors. Whether they helped by emailing their street contact lists, actually visiting their neighbors to talk to them and make sure they were aware of the petition, or they volunteered to help with other streets or help with our Drive & Sign events, every little bit helped. We are blessed to have so many folks who care about their fellow neighbors and are willing to get out there and communicate. Thank you all! SAFETY TIP Update your non-emergency contact lists! As always, if you are faced with a true emergency, please call 9-1-1. If you have a non-emergency issue that needs police attention, please now call the City of Cedar Park police department at 512-260-4600. BLOCK CAPTAIN POSITIONS STILL NEEDED We are still in need of Block Captains for a handful of streets. Please contact the Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at to discuss volunteering. Block Captains for the following streets are needed: THE CANYONS: THE RESERVE: Copford Ln Hidden Hills Ln, THE ENCLAVE: Millstream Dr, Culver Cliff Ln Shadow Canyon THE GARDENS: Dr, Sugar 2500’s Farleigh Ln Maple Ct & THE PARK: The Condos Tattler Dr Copyright Š 2015 Peel, Inc.
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - January 2015