Winchester Country
inchester Country
Published Monthly by the Winchester Country Civic Association
Volume 12, Issue 1
January 2015
New Management Company Effective January 1, 2015 your Subdivision is entering into a new relationship with a new management company, FirstService Residential. Homeowners should receive their assessment notification letters from
First Service. SCS Management will respond to any homeowner questions or concerns until December 31, 2014. Contact information for FirstService will be posted on the Winchester Country website as soon as it is available.
Clubhouse Rental Requirements Change Beginning January 1, 2015, there are new guidelines being implemented for renting the Winchester Country clubhouse rooms. The rules go into effect for all clubhouse rentals on or after January 1, 2015. • Deposits must be made as money orders. Leave the “pay to the order of ” line BLANK, as the money order will be returned upon passing post-rental inspection. Checks, cashiers checks
or cash will no longer be accepted for the deposit. • No items may be taped, hung, tacked or glued on the walls, doors or rafters. • No helium balloons allowed inside the clubhouse. This is not a policy change but bears repeating: Pool rentals are only allowed after normal hours and through Texas Aquatics at 713-416-5161.
UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 1...............................Happy New year! 5...................CFISD – School Resumes 8..............Maintenance Board Meeting 19...........................Martin Luther King (CFISD Holiday) 26....................Senior’s Group Meeting @ 6pm
FEBRUARY 12.............Maintenance Board Meeting 14.....................Happy Valentine’s Day 16................................President’s Day 23.....................Senior’s Group Meeting @ 6pm
8.............Daylight Savings Time Begins
Monday 5pm-7pm Thursday 10am-2pm
28..................Winchester Easter Event
Thurs. Jan. 1: Closed for New Years Day Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.
12.............Maintenance Board Meeting 30.....................Senior’s Group Meeting @ 6pm
Winchester Country Newsletter - January 2015