Hunter's Chase - February 2015

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Hunter's Chase Gazette

HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA


February 2015 Volume 5, Issue 2


NEWS TEXAS NEW DISTRICT 6 COUNCIL MEMBER IS DON ZIMMERMAN When the Austin City Council began work on Jan. 6, 2015, it was the first district-based Council the city has had. Among its 11 new members, Donald S. "Don" Zimmerman will represent District 6, Hunter's Chase residents' district. If you have questions or concerns for our new council member, he can be reached at 512-978-2106. You can also send him messages through the City of Austin email system at

WHAT'S GOING UP AT HUNTER'S CHASE AND POND SPRINGS? Residents are wondering about the construction work at the corner of Hunter's Chase and Pond Springs Rd. Guesses and theories have included new apartments, an office building , retail establishment or car dealership. Actually, it's a new school. A Challenger School campus is being built that will offer preschool and kindergarten classes. The Pond Springs campus is slated to open in the fall of 2015. Challenger School is an independent private school with campuses in California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Texas. More than 10,000 students, preschool through 8th grade, attend the school. For parents interested in learning more about the Pond Springs campus, call 512-258-1299. Continued on page 3 Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

Texas Independence Day Parade and Fun Run Planned for Feb. 28 Celebrate Texas, an organization dedicated to encouraging and promoting the education of the public about Texas Independence Day and the history of Texas and its people, will hold a Texas Independence Day parade on February 28 at the Congress Avenue Bridge in downtown Austin. The parade begins at 9:30 a.m. Just ahead of the parade, Celebrate Texas is holding the 10th annual Texas Independence Day 5K Run to raise money for the Celebrate Texas scholarship fund. The run begins at 8:00 a.m. Texas Independence Day is officially on March 2. On this date in 1836 Texas officially became a republic, declaring independence from Mexico. For more information, contact Celebrate Texas at 512.2885506 or email the organization at Get Caught Up on All Things Texas The 2015 Texas Almanac eBook Now Available If you want one-stop information about all-things Texas, the Texas Historical Society is now offering its 2015 Texas Almanac eBook. It's free and contains lots of information about our state. The 752-page almanac covers a wide range of topics from high school football to the varieties of soil, plants, flowers and trees throughout, state growth statistics to historical facts about tornadoes and droughts. It's a handy information source to have around. The ebook can be ordered at handbook Hunter's Chase Gazette - February 2015


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