Pemberton Heights - March 2015

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

PHNA INCOME & JANUARY EXPENSES 2015 BEGINING BALANCE Operating Fund................................$13,844.28 Security Program.............................$4,757.58 Triangles - KAB Fund.......................$14,943.00 Gail's Triangle..................................$4,040.51 Triangles - not KAB..........................$2,355.00 TOTAL..........$39,940.37 REVENUE Dues Paid In....................................$260.00 Security............................................$6,000.00 Carriage Rides.................................$180.00 Bank Error........................................$0.83 TOTAL...........$6,440.83 EXPENSES Security Patrol................................$2,340.91 Bookkeeping...................................$200.00 Bank Ser vice Fee...........................$5.00 PayPal Fees - operation.................$5.85 PayPal Fees - security...........................$129.01 PayPal Monthly fee - operation.....$15.00 PayPal Monthly fee -security.........$15.00 Water to Gail's Triangle..................$114.33 Maintenance to Gail's Triangle......$1,098.74 Austin Neighborhood Council.......$50.00 TOTAL...........$3,973.84 ENDING BALANCE Operating Fund................................$14,009.26 Security Program.............................$8272.66 Triangles - KAB Fund.......................$14,943.00 Gail's Triangle..................................$2827.44 Triangles - not KAB..........................$2,355.00 TOTAL..........$42,407.36

Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

March 2015, Vol VI, Issue III





A POP-UP is a small temporary event or exhibit outside

Sunday, May 3 Noon until 4pm in Pemberton Heights Free & open only to residents of Pemberton Heights and their guests. Enjoy a beautiful spring afternoon outdoors visiting with neighbors. Share your creative passions and interests! • Arts, Crafts, Music, Bake Sales, Games, Gardens, Plants, & More • Plant swap: bring your extra plants, cuttings and seeds • Bocce ball and Petanque The mission of this event is to know our neighbors and celebrate imagination and creativity while enjoying our outdoor spaces in Pemberton Heights. All Pemberton Heights residents welcome to participate. This is not a garden beauty contest; it's a day to spend in nature's beauty! Volunteer to open your garden space or to help organize a POP-UP. Contact Loretta Fischer Loretta@ (512) 771-4319

The Pemberton Journal - March 2015


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