Winchester Country - April 2015

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Winchester Country

inchester Country

Published Monthly by the Winchester Country Civic Association

Volume 12, Issue 4

April 2015

Clean Your Closets For The Winchester Country

Community Garage Sale Our Community Garage Sale will be Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th, 8am to 5pm. Winchester Country will put signs up at the entrances to the subdivision. You will need to make your own sign to put at the end of your street. ***THESE SIGNS MAY NOT BE ATTATCHED TO ANY STOP SIGNS, POLES OR LIGHT FIXTURES****. Please remember on Saturday to remove your signs as we want to always keep our community looking its very best. Do not put signs up in the entrances of the subdivision. Thank you to all who will be participating. In case of inclement weather the signs will remain up and the next weekend (April 25th) will be the rain date.


5............................................Easter Sunday 9......................Maintenance Board Meeting 17-18....................Community Garage Sale, 8am-5pm 27................Senior's Group Meeting @ 6pm


5..........Mobile Vet Clinic @ the Clubhouse, 4-7 PM 10...........................................Mother's Day 14.....................Maintenance Board Meeting 25..........................................Memorial Day


4...................Last day of school

APRIL OFFICE HOURS Copyright Š 2015 Peel, Inc.

21............................Happy Father's Day!


23.........................Homeowners Meeting, open to all residents, 7PM 39...............Senior's Group Meeting @ 6pm

Winchester Country Newsletter - April 2015


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