May 2015
RAIN, RAIN, RAIN Water! These days in Central Texas we have grown accustomed to water restrictions and the word drought as we look to alternative methods of conservation. There is however a local effort in our community that is beginning in the area of education to help our water woes. Baranoff Elementary students are enjoying and learning about rain water collection and the rainwater cycle through the use of their very own collection system and educational story board. This project is a partnership between the Baranoff PTA, their Garden Club and Boy Scouts of America. Noah Smith with Troop 256 planned, developed and provided leadership to construct the 220 gallon rainwater collection system as well as a rainwater cycle story board. The entire project is used by students every day and is accessible to the whole community. The thinking is that any age group can begin learning about conservation and will be better prepared to find new solutions to future natural resource challenges. The Baranoff Garden Club uses the rainwater to help their plants and vegetables grow as they learn about conservation and food production. This has been a great investment in the local community as well as a fun and informative exercise. There is something here for every age group and many of the parents are learning something as well. We need more conservation minded projects like this one to help us understand how to capture resources and make our planet a better place to live.
Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.
Volume 9, Issue 5
Dear Neighbors, At approximately 3:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, 04/09/2015, a vehicle traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed (possibly intoxicated) on Capistrano trail plowed onto my parked car (Blue 2001 Chevy prism) at a high rate of speed, and left the scene severely damaging the front end of my vehicle. It was 6:30 a.m. as I was preparing to leave for work that I noticed the results of the impact. This incident is very urgent for all residents of Shady Hollow to know, especially those of us who live on Capistrano trail where families travel to the nearby park, pool, and tennis courts. I’ve written this article in hopes that someone with any information could tip off the Travis County Sheriff’s Department as they are processing the investigation. Although parking your personal vehicle next to your driveway on the street is not a very great idea, erratic driving and or leaving the scene of an accident is not justifiable. I believe our neighborhood to be descent and family friendly but there must be some awareness implemented. Again, thank you for any valuable information the Travis County Sheriff’s Dept. may utilize. T.C.S.D. : 512-854-0000
The Shady Side - May 2015