Pemberton Heights - June 2015

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

June 2015, Vol VI, Issue VI


Kimberly Comstock - PHNA Treasurer


Garden and Art Pop-Ups Pemberton’s Spring Festival

On Sunday, May 3rd, Pemberton residents ventured into the fresh spring air and sunshine to amble about the many gardens of our neighborhood. A total of six Pemberton gardens were on display-- their owners graciously offering up their landscapes for viewing, and providing inspiration, knowledge, and cheerful hospitality to their fellow neighbors. PHNA Board Member Betty Trent (Wooldridge Drive) featured a waisthigh vegetable garden, watered by a two-tank rain collection system, each of which holds 250 gallons. Neighbor Barbara Hunt (Preston Road) and her daughter, Patricia Hunt, took guests on a tour of multiple impressive raised-bed vegetable gardens. Patricia told stories of early years spent picking vegetables in the backyard, and commented that even though, at one time, she wished her parents would get rid of the gardens to make way for a trampoline, she is very thankful they did not and that the beds remain where they are. Neighbor Chandler Ford (Wathen Avenue) featured a front-yard cottage garden with herbs, lettuces, and flowers, and a tranquil backyard garden highlighting Japanese maples and ornamental trees. Her granddaughter was in attendance to welcome festival-goers, and had a surprisingly vast knowledge of the diverse variety of plants featured in the garden. Some yards even offered art for view and purchase, along with refreshments, to the delight of the garden-goers. On Gaston Avenue, there

Operating Fund..................................................$14,878.81 Security Program..................................................$7,568.58 Triangles - KAB Fund.........................................$14,943.00 Gail’s Triangle.......................................................$2,771.98 Triangles - not KAB.............................................$2,425.00 TOTAL...........................................................$42,587.37


Dues Paid In............................................................$120.00 Security...............................................................$28,637.00 Triangles....................................................................$20.00 TOTAL...........................................................$28,777.00


Security Patrol.......................................................$2,489.75 Postage for Security Donations................................$517.35 Bookkeeping............................................................$100.00 Bank Service Fee.........................................................$5.00 PayPal Fees - operation................................................$4.09 PayPal Fees - security...............................................$257.84 PayPal Monthly fee - operation..................................$15.00 PayPal Monthly fee -security......................................$15.00 Water to Gail’s Triangle.............................................$22.64 TOTAL............................................................$3,426.67


Operating Fund..................................................$14,874.72 Security Program.................................................$32,925.64 Triangles - KAB Fund.........................................$14,943.00 Gail’s Triangle.......................................................$2,749.34 Triangles - not KAB.............................................$2,445.00 TOTAL..........................................................$67,937.70

(Continued on Page 4) Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

The Pemberton Journal - June 2015


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