JULY 2015
Official Newsletter of the Twin Creeks HOA
The Twin Creeks Tribune is a monthly newsletter mailed to all Twin Creek residents. Each newsletter is filled with valuable information about the community, local area activities, school information, and more. If you are involved with a school group, play group, scouts, sports team, social group, etc., and would like to submit an article for the newsletter, you can do so online at www. Personal news (announcements, accolades/ honors/ celebrations, etc.) are also welcome as long as they are from area residents. GO GREEN! Subscribe via to have an email sent to you with a link to a PDF of the newsletter, or have an email sent to you instead of having a newsletter mailed to you! Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.
Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on You may recall from previous articles that there was an error in your 2015 property tax appraisals (both online and the statements that were mailed to you). The Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD) erroneously listed both WCID and City of Cedar Park taxing authorities. As a result of annexation, only the City of Cedar Park should be listed. As reported earlier, the error was corrected and the WCID entry was removed. The City has worked with TCAD to correct this on their website; however, the City of Cedar Park was unable to convince TCAD to resend the corrected notices in the mail. The next mailing will be when your property taxes are billed. With all of the rain over the past month (and actually, since the beginning of the year!), there have been some questions posted on Nextdoor. com asking about the potential easing of water restrictions. The City of Cedar Park is currently holding off on the easing of water restrictions, waiting to see what changes in the Lower Colorado River Authority’s (LCRA) water management plan will be adopted. The LCRA is considering tougher rules that determine when water is released downstream from Lake Travis. If the LCRA resumes water releases to downstream agriculture farmers in the near future, the current restrictions may stay in place for now. The HOA will post any updates should the situation change.
Note that the HOA and Country Club buy their water directly from the LCRA, so they are not subject to the City’s water restrictions. In case you missed it, here’s the outcome of our city elections. City Council incumbents Stephen Thomas, Lyle Grimes and Jon Lux have retained their seats on the Council - Congratulations!! We also want to thank candidates Stephen Thomas and Maria Talamo for coming out to our community to personally speak with residents about their issues and concerns. A special thanks to everyone that got out and voted during our first year as citizens of the City of Cedar Park! Every 5 - 7 years or more, the City of Cedar Park considers capital improvement projects through the issuance of general obligation bonds; and, it is great to know that we in Twin Creeks have representation on the Cedar Park Bond Task Force. Both Ross Burns and Tom Moody are members of the task force, which is in the process of reviewing and prioritizing improvements for our fire and police departments, parks, and recreational facilities, and roadways and streets around the city. The process ends with a general bond election, where the voters get the final say in what improvements are actually funded. If you would like to learn more about these activities check out (Continued on Page 2)
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2015