Twin Creeks - August 2015

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Official Newsletter of the Twin Creeks HOA

The Twin Creeks Tribune is a monthly newsletter mailed to all Twin Creek residents. Each newsletter is filled with valuable information about the community, local area activities, school information, and more. If you are involved with a school group, play group, scouts, sports team, social group, etc., and would like to submit an article for the newsletter, you can do so online at www. Personal news (announcements, accolades/ honors/ celebrations, etc.) are also welcome as long as they are from area residents. GO GREEN! Subscribe via to have an email sent to you with a link to a PDF of the newsletter, or have an email sent to you instead of having a newsletter mailed to you! Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.



Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on It looks like we have a few things to catch-up on this month so let’s get started! Many of us have seen the Proposed Zoning Change sign at the entrance to the neighborhood and have been following the related postings on The overall purpose of the zoning activity was to apply city zoning codes to our neighborhood as part of our annexation and incorporation into the city of Cedar Park. This process highlighted the fact that the owners of the Club had their main clubhouse lot subdivided into two lots and the south parking lot area designated as “multifamily” use in 2013. This prompted them to request condominium zoning from the city. Should they attempt to develop condos in the future, they will be required to maintain the total number of parking spaces as currently exists. The “multifamily” use is grandfathered and at this point the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to accept the zoning map as presented to the community. It is currently at the City Council level for final acceptance. More to come. On to the trees in our neighborhood! As we begin to think about Fall (okay, I know it doesn’t feel like it yet ), we need to begin thinking about caring for the trees on our property. And, in case you are wondering, this is a prime time to trim and prune the tree limbs that have gotten too close to the house (or are now on the house!), which can create a fire hazard, or have begun to encroach on

sidewalks and are now creating a safety issue. To prevent oak wilt, it is recommended to sterilize cutting equipment and seal the cut. See you outside and happy trimming!! So I know it’s not Fall yet, but school is upon us and the school buses will soon be rolling through the neighborhood. As a reminder, here’s some information from the Texas Drivers Handbook as it relates to school bus safety: • Always drive with care when you are near a school bus. • If you approach a school bus from either direction and the bus is displaying alternately flashing red lights, you must stop. • Do not pass the school bus until the school bus has resumed motion, you are signaled by the driver to proceed, or the red lights are no longer flashing. • It isn’t necessary to stop when passing a school bus on a different road or when on a controlledaccess highway where the bus is stopped in a loading zone and pedestrians aren’t permitted to cross. • A person who fails to obey the law regarding yielding the right-of-way to school buses displaying alternation, flashing lights is subject to penalties as listed in the Penalties for Failure to Yield Right-ofWay to School Buses in the handbook. Okay, that’s all for now! See you around the neighborhood!

Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2015


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