Travis Country West
Volume 10, Number 10
October 2015
TCW Neighborhood News Official Publication of Travis Country West Community
DATE: Thursday, August 6, 2015 TIME: 6:00 pm LOCATION: Pool Cabana, 5211 Fort Benton Drive, Austin, TX 78735 Present: Julie Saft, Tim Shelhamer, Paul and Melissa Yehl of Ascension Property Management Absent: Jonathan Gallmeier, Gary Jones, and David Chastain Julie Saft called the meeting to order at 6:20pm Homeowner Forum There was a discussion on the two commercial building proposals abutting Travis Country West. Tim Shelhamer shared information with new homeowners. Committee Reports • Communications – Tim will submit next Board member spotlight article for newsletter • Social – Dusty in need of volunteers. Discussion of a back-toschool pool party event. Possible ways to get the word out is to put an acrylic tube near the mailboxes for newsletters. Some owners report not receiving the newsletter. APM will follow up with PEEL, Inc. to ensure mailings are taking place as contracted. • Hospitality – APM to forward to Tim information for new residents in 2015. Tim will coordinate a hospitality welcoming committee. Discussion of a welcoming event. Management Report • Melissa Yehl gave a financial update. • ACC status – 1 concrete project under review. • Violation status – 8 open violations (trash cans) Unfinished Business • Mailbox light –The City of Austin has agreed to bear some responsibility in the installation of a street light near the Timber Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.
Creek mailbox cluster. APM will seek bids for electrical work and concrete pad based upon specs received by the City. COA will pay for the light and bolting to the concrete, and they will maintain. • Landscape contract bid process beginning. Paul Yehl is finalizing the RFP, which is al-a-carte in nature, which allows for better flexibility. • Drip irrigation install at pool and entry beds – Received zone pricing. This allows for flexibility in designating where to put drip lines. APM will talk with Greater TX Landscapes to see if a zone can be created just for the trees. New Business • Neighboring property dumping issues – a resident from the condo complex adjacent to the pool area has approached one of our residents on several occasions regarding alleged dumping from the HOA side. The COA put up temporary no dumping signs. The resident was referred to APM and the Board, but neither entity has heard from the resident. • Insurance umbrella coverage – discussion about increasing the umbrella coverage to $4M. Tim Shelhamer will send out email to the Board for discussion and possible email vote. • APM to ask Crystal Clear to fill in the coping between the plaster edge & the pool ledge. • There was discussion about lowering the replacement pool card fee from $25 to $10 to be closer to the actual card cost. Tim Shelhamer will send an email to the Board for discussion and possible email vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. NEXT MEETING DATE: TBD
Travis Country West Homeowner's Association Newsletter - October 2015