Hunter's Chase - December 2015

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Hunter's Chase Gazette

HUNTER'S CHASE The Official Newsletter of the Hunter's Chase HOA December 2015 Volume 5, Issue 12



Five Holiday Safety Tips

Holiday Schedule



1. If You're Traveling: Don't post your travel plans online! Schools in the Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) Make sure to keep travel plans off your social media networks. will be closed December 18 through January 4. Classes resume on Don't post where you're going, when you are leaving, or when you Tuesday, January 5th. Have a safe and happy holiday break! will be back, because you're basically just making a thief's job easier. Let a trustworthy neighbor know if you're planning to go out of town SPEAKING OF RRISD... for the holiday season, so that they can keep an eye on your house. Have the neighbor grab your mail and newspapers while you're away. The District's Destination magazine is available online at: Don't hide a key outside the house! 2. Electrical Fires publications/ Be careful: December is the deadliest month for electrical fires! It's an informative magazine about District news and happenings. Before you string lights on your house or trees, inspect the strands, Named earlier this year, the 2016 Teachers of the Year are currently profiled in the magazine. Selected teachers include those from to make sure there aren't any frayed cords or cracked bulbs. Also, nearby elementary schools Pond Springs, LIve Oak and Jollyville, don't use indoor lights outside and vice versa. Check the tag on the as well as Deerpark Junior High and McNeil High School. McNeil string of lights to be sure. High's Linda Hengst, in fact, was named RRISD Secondary Teacher 3. Heating Equipment Fires of the Year. Heating equipment, like furnaces and fireplaces, can cause house fires if mismanaged. Make sure to have a professional inspect your furnace and clean the chimney before you heat your home.

AT&T Is Installing Fiber Optics in Our Neighborhood

4. General Fire Safety Be safe with small flames and fires this holiday. Don't leave candles unattended, and don't put stockings near a heat AT&T work crews are in Hunter's Chase and other nearby areas to the west of us running fiber optic conduit. The project commenced in source (chimney/fireplace). Be sure to install or check smoke alarms, mid November, and the proposed timeline is for the heavy equipment and unplug your Christmas tree during sleeping hours. part of the project, the drilling, dredging and digging, to be completed 5. Grease Fires by end December. Then, crews will run and install the fiber optics Know what to do in case of a grease fire. component of the project. Take extra precautions with turkey fryers (be sure the oil used to Planned completion is slated by or just after the first of the year. fry the turkey is the right temperature and always fry outside, in a Please contact the City of Austin, or your utility service providers, well-ventilated area). Don't use water to extinguish a grease fire -should you experience any disruption to your usual utility services. instead, douse the fire with baking soda. Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.

Hunter's Chase Gazette - December 2015


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