Travis Country West
Volume 10, Number 12
December 2015
TCW Neighborhood News Official Publication of Travis Country West Community
November 3rd Board Meeting Highlights
The 2016 Budget Is Set. Slight Dues Increase
Your Board of Directors met on November 3rd. Actions taken in the meeting include:
The Board wishes to thank the Travis Country West Finance Committee for their dedication and work on the 2016 budget. A lot of effort went in to preparing a budget that is sensitive to caring for the financial obligations of our community coupled while trying to keep dues at a minimum. To that end, a 2016 budget was passed, and can be viewed on the neighborhood website (www.travis The dues for 2016 will increase $35, representing an 8.05% increase. Dues for 2016 will be $470. Please watch for your dues statement to arrive in late November/ early December. Contact Ascension Property Management if you have any questions, or if your statement doesn’t arrive by December 10th.
• The 2016 budget was set. • Dues will increase by $35 in 2016. • The Board of Directors will notify the developer of the commercial development at the NW corner of the neighborhood that there will be no changes to the initial agreement. • Forward movement is being made to have a street light installed at the mailbox cluster on Big Timber. • Drip irrigation in the pool and entry beds will be re-visited in 2016.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Join the neighbors in celebrating holiday cheer by voting for the merriest Christmas decorations in all of Travis Country West! For some, it may be the most lights. For others, it may be the most creative. It is up to you to decide which one will give Santa Clause and his reindeer the warmest welcome! Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be awarded! Voting will be open through midnight on December 20, 2015. One vote per household, please. To vote online, visit To vote by email, send to To vote by ballot, drop off a note on the front porch of 5204 Fort Benton Drive. Thank you for your participation. Have a VERY, VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Copyright © 2015 Peel, Inc.
Social Chair Needed Thank you, Dusty Olson, for the fabulous job you have done to bring social events to Travis Country West this year. Unfortunately, Dusty needs to step down from the chair position. Now the social committee is in great need for a new chair in order to keep social events a part of our Travis Country West community. Please let Ascension Property Management know of your interest.
Travis Country West Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2015