Bella Vista - January 2016

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January 2016

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

BOARD REPORT January 2016 issue

The Board sincerely hopes that everyone had a wonderful and joyous holiday season. The Board does not meet in December but we were busy making sure the holiday decorations were installed and stolen tree stakes for the Cypress trees at the end of Orsobello were replaced. We will include a copy of the 2016 budget in the next issue. Exterior Home Improvement Projects - Please use the “new” ACC form when submitting requests to RealManage for any projects planned for your property. The ACC form is located on the Bella Vista website under “Documents” and “Architectural Committee Approval Request Form” or at the following link: The next Board meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in January at the RealManage office, 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Suite 150, Bldg G, Austin TX 78729 (next to Lifetime Fitness on RR 620 service road). Board contact information is located on page 2.

Water Conservation Tips of the Month • To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower. • Use a water-efficient showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save you up to 750 gallons a month.

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

Volume 8, Issue 1

Fall Events update

Weather for the October annual Chili Cook-off was cold and rainy, but we had a very nice turnout with ~75 in attendance and double the contestants from last year. The committee would like to send a huge "thanks" to all the chili cooks including: Tova JohnPress, James Smith, Kellie Ghormley, Julie Fowler, Warren Peck, Alicia Reynolds, Rob Handy, Ron and Lillian Bennett, Dave McAdow, Nonie Garner, and Laura Squires! All of the chili was delicious and Congratulations to the following winners: Chefs Choice - James Smith, People's Choice - Nonie Garner, Most Original - Tova JohnPress, and Closest to the Can - Warren Peck! We also had a classic rock band, the BACK9 and an inflatable slide for the kiddos! Here's to hoping for a dry 2016 event! The annual "Let it Snow Christmas Event was a great success as well! Several tons (10,000 lbs.) of snow was provided along with a slide for tubing. A large mound of snow was used for building snowman and snowballs which was great fun for the kids and adults! We thank SANTA for making another appearance which is so very special for the kids! We also want to thank all the "helpers" who made this event possible including Tim JohnPress, Jon Poole, Kelly Reynolds, Michael Ghormley, James Smith, Julie Fowler (for providing extra cookies and brownies) and of course Santa! It was a great event to end the year. Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016


IMPORTANT CONTACTS President, Veronica Frederick............ Vice President, James Secretary, Julie Director, John Shumaker …..….......... ACC Recreation Treasurer, Bill Chapman........................

HOA MANAGEMENT RealManage Resident Services (pool, issues, etc.) Association Manager: Bill Brooks RealManage, 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Suite 150, Bldg G, Austin, TX 78729



If you are considering New Year’s resolutions, please include VOLUNTEERING. Research has shown that volunteering can have mental, physical and professional benefits for the volunteer. Also, volunteering is an excellent opportunity to meet new people, develop new skills, improve communication skills and increase your knowledge. Unlike another diet, choosing a volunteer project which feeds your interests and passions is more likely to continue long past February or March. If physical exercise is important to you, rather than working out in a stuffy gym, you could be out in the open air and sunshine, with a real reason to give your muscles a workout. If you want to do something locally or only have 2-3 hours a month to spare, volunteering for the Bella Vista HOA would be a great opportunity to give back to “your” community. We could definitely use some help with newsletter input, welcoming new homeowners, checking the common areas for maintenance issues, or anything else you may be interested in doing. This year, resolve to make a positive difference in the lives of others. You’ll see that when you help others, you’re also helping yourself.

Peel, Inc. Community Newsletters

Our goal is to provide the Bella Vista community with one source of local news content that is provided by Bella Vista residents. Our goal is to help build Bella Vista by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information.

"Be the Community."

ARTICLE INFO The Bella Vista Bulletin newsletter is mailed monthly to all Bella Vista residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to submit information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. If you have an article of interest to the community, please submit it to with copy to by the 8th of the month..

The newsletter can also be viewed online at

NEWSLETTER INFO Newsletter Publisher Peel, Inc......................................................... 512-263-9181, 512-263-9181 2

Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

"SPRINGTAILS" Springtails are very small, jumping insects that can sometimes become a problem inside homes. Springtails are usually found in areas of moisture, so indoors they may located near potted plants, sinks, bath tubs or kitchen compost areas. These insects are typically found outside in gardens, near swimming pools or near where there is excessive moisture or standing water. Springtails are small (about 1/16 of an inch long), wingless and come in various colors. These insects have a “tail” that latches into a space on the underside of the body that they can use to “jump” several inches into the air. Springtails are considered a nuisance insect, but some may chew on roots and leaves of sapling plants. They usually do not cause enough damage to warrant control measures to be taken. If you have springtails in your home it points to a moisture problem that should be fixed.

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

Options for helping reduce springtail problems: • Remove excessive mulch and/ or leaf litter near the home • Change watering schedule to reduce the amount of moisture near the home • Use fans or dehumidifiers to reduce moisture indoors • Seal cracks, crevices, pipe & wire penetrations on the outside of the home • Replace or repair any screening on doors and windows that is damaged • Replace weather stripping around doors and windows that does not provide a good seal • Suck up any indoor infestations with a vacuum For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at

Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016


By USPTA/PTR Master Professional Fernando Velasco Owner, Manager and Director of Tennis Grey Rock Tennis Club, Austin, TX

In previous newsletters, I offered tips on how to hit a forehand groundstroke, a two-handed backhand, one-handed backhand and a forehand volley. In this issue, I will give you instructions on how to execute a two-handed backhand volley for a right hander. This stroke is used whenever the player is forced to hit a ball in the air. In these pictures player Robyn Fuller from the Grey Rock Tennis Club demonstrates the proper form and technique. Step 1: Ready Position: The body is facing the net. The right hand is holding the end of the racket in a forehand grip position and the left hand is next to the right hand. The left hand is holding the racket slightly tighter than the right hand. Feet are a shoulder width apart and the body is in equal balance. For beginners it is okay to use the forehand and backhand grips for the forehand and backhand volleys. As the player gets stronger and the balls come at a faster speed, it will be best to use the continental grip for both volleys. Step 2: Back Swing: Since the volley is usually executed when a player is close to the net and there is very little time to react to the

incoming ball, the back swing is very short. The left hand will make a slight change of the grip and the right hand will be relaxed and lose. The left shoulder should take a short turn and the head of the racket should align to the flight of the ball. The left wrist should be “cocked” back slightly and the head of the racket should be above the wrist. Eyes are still focused on the incoming ball. Step 3: Point of Contact: The right foot is now taking a step forward and the racket is making contact with the ball. It is important to keep the left shoulder closed and not rotate the right hip too early. Flexing the right knee will allow more flexibility to find the proper point of contact and give power to the ball. Step 4: Follow Through: Once the racket has made contact with the ball, the follow through is very short to allow the player to immediately get back to the ready position. The right arm should be close to the body. Look for in the next Newsletter: The Serve

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Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016

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Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

SEND US YOUR Contributed By: Marina Byrum, Travel By Marina Flee the flu: Some experts say it’s a myth that the re-circulated air on airplanes spreads colds and other maladies. But it’s not a myth that you need to protect yourself from the germs spread by folks sniffling and sneezing around you, especially with double threat of the seasonal flu and H1N1, or swine flu, ready to pounce. Here a few tips to help you stay healthy while traveling: Fill ’er up with regular: Get the regular flu shot. Now! If you don’t have time to see a doctor or stop by a pharmacy or grocery store flu clinic, there are flu-shot kiosks in many airports, and even some bus and train stations. Get some sleep: Plan on a good night’s rest before you travel and try to eat right and exercise when on the road. Experts say lack of sleep and the stress of travel contribute more to getting sick than that icky airplane air. Wash your hands: A lot. Ignore the stares and use sanitary wipes on your airplane armrests and tray table. At the hotel, wipe down telephone, the TV remote control and other germy surfaces. Take your vitamins. Take plenty of Vitamin C. Many travelers I know use Emergen-C, which is a powerful powder that you can mix with water. It’s packed with vitamin C and bioflavanoids. Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Nothing causes dehydration faster than the combination of caffeine or alcohol and the dried-out air on an airplane. Stick to water and noncarbonated beverages to stay hydrated. Following all the above tips may keep you well during your next airplane flight. Hopefully when you reach your destination, you will be well enough to enjoy yourself, instead of being confined to your hotel room with an unwanted illness.

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

Event Pictures!!

Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at

Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016


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Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016

Copyright Š 2016 Peel, Inc.

Color the drawing below and mail the finished artwork to us at: Peel, Inc. - Kids Club 308 Meadowlark St Lakeway, TX 78734-4717 We will select the top few and post their artwork on our Facebook Page - DUE: January 31st

Be sure to include the following so we can let you know! Name: _______________________________ (first name, last initial)


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Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016


308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






Bella Vista Bulletin - January 2016

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

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