Twin Creeks - March 2016

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MARCH 2016



Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on… Another month of beautiful weather but we need rain! Okay, not a flood, but a good rain! In case you haven’t heard, Travis County initiated a burn ban on February 9th. For more information on the ban, go to As a reminder, here’s what you need to be aware of during the burn ban: • Outdoor burning without a permit is prohibited in Cedar Park. In order to obtain a permit, you should contact the Fire Marshal’s Office. • Fireworks are illegal within the entire fire service area of the City of Cedar Park • Abide by the following safe grilling tips: o Grill in grassy areas or on concrete. Don’t grill in “brushy” areas o Grill in a well ventilated area o Grill should be away from overhanging trees, awnings, and roofs o Never leave the grill unattended o Keep a hose in good working order close by Are you ready for Spring? Well here are some tips to consider from and www.centraltexasgardening. net/calendar.htm for the month of March: • We can still get frost in March so continue to protect tender plants before a freeze • Warm season flowers and vegetables can be planted in the garden toward the end of the month. • Cool season herbs (about everything but basil) can be planted. • Add compost to the soil by mulching the leaves that start falling off of the oak trees using a mulching lawn mower. • Trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, vegetables and most everything else can be planted in late March. • Citrus trees and other tropical plants can be moved outside once Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

the danger of frost has passed. And if you really have spring fever and want to get started on those home and garden projects, you can visit the Austin Spring Home & Garden Show (March 15 – 17, 2016) at the Palmer Events Center, Austin, TX. More information can be found at www.tradeshowz. com/austin-spring-home-and-garden-show Are you looking for other things to do in March? Here are a few I found… • March 11 – 20,2016: South by Southwest Music, Film and Interactive Conference and Festival – various locations across Austin • March 12 – 26, 2016: Rodeo Austin @ Travis County Expo Center • March 17, 2016: St. Patrick’s Day Festival (various locations) • March 25 – 27, 2016: Balloons Over Horseshoe Bay Resort www. Would you like to help the City of Cedar Park win $1,200 in school donations and at the same time continue to take strides toward your New Year’s goal of focusing on healthy living? Well it’s not too late to still participate in a statewide community challenge that is designed to do just that. To participate and log your weekly fitness activity go to but don’t hesitate, the challenge started in January and ends March 31st! And last but not least, did you know that March 2nd is the State of Texas Independence Day? On March 2nd, 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas. Happy 180th Birthday Texas! Okay, that’s all for now! See you around the neighborhood! Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - March 2016


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