Twin Creeks - April 2016

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APRIL 2016



FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello my fellow neighbors! I wanted to give you an update on happenings in the neighborhood. We just had our annual meeting in March, where a review of the past year and some upcoming objectives of the HOA were discussed. You may download a copy of this presentation from our property manager’s site at aspx. Also, we had a couple of special guest speakers – Cedar Park Mayor Matt Powell and Twin Creeks Club Manager Justin Jafarian. City growth is still going strong, attracting more attention from employers and retail. Also, many capital improvements are planned for the club. We had re-election of two Board members – both Debby Hackbarth (Treasurer) and I were re-elected to 3-year terms. We appreciated the confidence shown in us and want to continue to improve the neighborhood. The rest of the Board is as follows: Brandon Lind (Vice-President), Chuck Andersen (Secretary), and Bruce Roach (Director). One improvement we are making is switching landscapers. We had previous contracted with Landscape Resources for maintaining turf, trees, and irrigation. Unfortunately, they just weren’t performing up to our expectations. After receiving bids from several contractors, we have picked Centex to be our new landscaper. Centex will oversee Taurus, specializing in irrigation and Chon, specializing in trees. You can already see

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Chon’s work in the recent round of tree trimming throughout the community. We will save some money in the switch, but it was more about maintaining the community than saving money. Taking care of what we have the best we can will also lead to future savings. As for new construction, our community is about 98% built-out towards 1000 households. We are a premium neighborhood in Cedar Park, surrounded by an excellently maintained golf course, and our home prices reflect it. As our water supply concerns subside and the watering restrictions ease, I would ask that those residents who have neglected their lawns work on getting them in better shape. Our fences are in better shape overall, but work still needs to be done to bring some into compliance with our CCRs. Finally, looking to goals in 2016, the HOA wants to concentrate on many items: (1) work with the Country Club to address homeowner’s complaints, (2) cleaning of the rock wall and other improvements in and around the community, and (3) landscape / irrigation improvements. This year should keep us pretty busy and I want to thank all of those in advance who will help support our endeavors to keep our community the best in Cedar Park. Ross Burns

Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016


TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President.............................................................. Ross Burns Vice-President..................................................Brandon Lind Secretary.......................................................Chuck Andersen Treasurer....................................................... Deb Hackbarth Director.............................................................Bruce Roach

MANAGEMENT INFO Jim Smitherman Property Manager Goodwin Management Office: 512-502-2114 Cell: 512-230-3220 Fax: 512-346-4873


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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016

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TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE TWIN CREEKS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH NEWS… Brian and Shannon Tweedt, Neighborhood Watch Co-Chairpersons Home Safety Information If you are concerned about residential burglaries in your neighborhood, you do not have to feel powerless to change the situation. Most residential burglars look for crimes of opportunity. They pick what appears to be an easy mark. There are many steps that you can take to keep your home and your neighborhood safe. The most important step is for you and your neighbors to work together. What can you do? • Never allow people you do not know into your home, such as a door-to-door sales person, a person asking to use the phone or looking for a supposed neighbor. • Always keep your doors and windows locked day and night. • Never leave your garage door open. • Don't have your valuables visible through windows. • Keep ladders locked in the garage. Burglars can use them for access to otherwise inaccessible second story windows. • Don't forget when going on vacation to hold or to have someone pick up your mail/newspapers. • Don't hide a key outside for visiting friends and relatives. • Don't advertise new gifts or purchases. Break up the cartons before leaving them at the curb. • Call the police immediately when you see suspicious persons or activities BLOCK CAPTAIN POSITIONS STILL NEEDED We are still in need of Block Captains for a handful of streets. Please contact Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at to discuss volunteering. • We are still in need of Block Captains for a handful of streets. Please contact Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at to discuss volunteering. • Block Captains For the Following Streets Are Needed: • The Gardens: 2500’s Farleigh Lane • The Reserve: Hidden Hills Ln, Millstream Dr, Shadow Canyon Dr, Sugar Maple Ct & The Condos Thank you, ~ Shannon & Brian Tweedt Co-Chairpersons Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Every Neighbor Should Report Every Crime Every Time!

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CAUTION! CHILDREN AT PLAY It’s spring and our children will be playing outside more…let’s all be more cautious and watch for children that may be playing in or near the streets---especially around the circles and Grand Oaks Loop which gets a lot of traffic.

A SPOTLIGHT ON DCCRs (Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions)

Karen Calvert, Communications Committee Chair Each month we will put the spotlight on a new DCCR (or group of DCCRs). All DCCRs can be located on the site under Governing Documents within the Twin Creeks neighborhood. This month the spotlight is on DCCRs 2.14 (Drainage) and 2.20 (Animals). Do you have a drainage problem in your yard? You might want to check this out… DCCR 2.14 states: “Established drainage patterns within the Subdivision may not be altered, except by Declarant, unless adequate provision is made for proper drainage and the alteration is approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. If the natural grade must be altered on any Lot, the alterations must be approved in advance by the Architectural Control Committee. In conjunction with the alteration of the natural grade of any Lot, the Architectural Control Committee will have the authority to require the construction of retaining walls in a location and utilizing materials approved by the Architectural Control Committee.” Here’s what the HOA says about our pets… DCCR 2.20 states: “No kennel or other facility for raising or boarding dogs or other animals for commercial purposes will be permitted on any Lot. The keeping of ordinary household pets, such as dogs and cats, not to exceed three in number, is allowed, and the puppies, kittens, or other offspring of any permitted household pets may be kept for a period not in excess of 12 weeks, provided however, that no commercial breeding of such pets is permitted. No poultry, livestock or exotic animals may be kept on any Lot. All pets must be kept on the Owner’s Lot and may not be allowed to roam loose. No pet will be permitted to make an unreasonable amount of noise, or to cause any nuisance to any other resident of the Subdivision or any other Lot .”

Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016


TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE It’s Officially Spring! April Lawn and Garden To-Dos It’s officially Spring! Are you getting ready to plant a garden? Here are some tips for the month of April from www.resolutiongardens. com, and www. in case you are wondering what to do: • Fertilize your lawn after you have mowed it twice • Use a complete fertilizer if you are gardening in a particular spot for the first time (e.g. 10-10-10). A nitrogen fertilizer can be used after that. • Azaleas should be fertilized and be sure to check roses and ornamentals for powdery mildew • In early April you can plant the following vegetables: lima beans, snap beans, beets, chard, black-eyed peas, summer squash, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and sweet corn • In late April cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, and watermelon can be planted • Herb seeds or plants can be planted • Warm season flowers can be planted (perennials, annual flowers, flowering shrubs) • Wait until the end of the month to plant caladiums • April should be the latest time to plant shrubs Happy planting! Karen Calvert, Communications Committee Chair

TC Spring Garage Sale Time to clean out the attic and the garage! Our Spring GARAGE SALE is just a few weeks away--WHEN: Saturday, April 23, 2016 (watch for signs in the neighborhood)

DO YOU LIKE TO WRITE? The Twin Creeks HOA Communications Committee is looking for volunteers that would like to be part of the Twin Creeks HOA Communications Committee. The Communications Committee works with the HOA Board to promote communication throughout the community leveraging various media means such as the TC HOA monthly newsletter and If you are interested, send me an email at karen.calvert723@gmail. com or send a note via Karen Calvert, HOA Communications Committee Chair


Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.


Do You Like WildFLowers? Me Too!

Here Are Some Suggested Places to Go to See Them If you would like to take a drive to see the Bluebonnets (Texas’ State Flower) and other beautiful wildflowers, here are some great places to go: • Ennis has one of the oldest bluebonnet trails and has been designated the “Official Bluebonnet City of Texas”. If you visit between April 1st – 30th, you can drive over 40 miles of mapped trails sponsored by the garden club. For more information, go to • Visit Miracle Acres and Chappell Hill in Brenham and drive along the Bluebonnet Trail to see miles of scenic roads and wildflowers. Interested, check out plan/wildflower-watch.html. • Muleshoe Bend in Spicewood, Texas offers fields of Bluebonnets along with bike trails, horseback riding and campgrounds. For more information, go to: pages/muleshoe-bend.aspx. • Check out Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center which has wildflower days daily through May 31, 2016. Along with

wildflowers, the center offers nature trails, art exhibits, tree swings in the Arboretum, and more. Visit for more information. • Visit Wildseed Farms in Fredericksburg, TX for their Wildflower Celebration, April 2 – 17, 2016. You will see acres of bluebonnets and poppies, enjoy a stroll through their butterfly garden, check out the nursery filled with many plants and trees, or stop by their new Wedding Oak Winery. For more information, go to www. . • If you are interested in Red Poppies, you can visit the Red Poppy Festival in Georgetown April 22 – 24, 2016. Although the Red Poppy no longer grows wild in Georgetown, the residents have planted many throughout the community which you can tour as part of the festival. Check out for more information. Enjoy! Karen Calvert, Communications Committee Chair



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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016



Live Allergy Free Do you suffer from nose congestion, running nose, sneezing constantly, itchy nose, sore throat, red & itchy watery eyes, and cough? Do you have more than ten sneezes non-stop sometimes especially in the morning. If this sounds like you, you may suffer from allergies. If you have these symptoms during certain seasons of the year, you may have seasonal allergies. With all the trees and flowers in Texas, more and more people suffer from seasonal allergies. If the symptoms are not effectively controlled by western medicine, some people may develop chronic allergies, and the symptoms become more severe every time. Other people may develop dependency to the medication, need to increase dosage form time to time. The cause of the allergy is either the exterior pathogen (allergen) or the internal constitution (body type). Traditional Chinese Medicine treat patient’s constitution, rebalance the body, change the internal environment by improving the circulation of Qi and blood, therefore controlling, reducing and curing the allergy. Several Chinese patterns of disharmony may be involved in cases of allergies. In all cases, however, wind is often part of the diagnosis.

In seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, the most common diagnosis is related to wind and dampness. Individual’s body constitution and condition at the time play a big role in the treatment plan. Treatment plans for allergies vary greatly, and the possible results range from temporary relief to complete remission based on the reaction of individual person. Acupuncture frequently relieves allergy symptoms immediately. Diet advice and control plays an important part in controlling seasonal allergies. Take your health into your own hands, live allergy free with safe effective natural way. Apart from respiratory issues including allergy, acupuncture is also effective to treat reproductive issues for male and female, emotional issues, neurological issues, gastric distress. It is a wonderful way to relieve pain without intoxications, to help with rehabilitation, to treat addictions and fatigue. Talk to your licensed Acupuncturist about what acupuncture and TCM can do for you.






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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.


Honey Bee Swarms Honey bees are beneficial by producing h o n e y, w a x a n d pollinating crops. With warmer temperatures, honey bees are becoming

such as bees located near sensitive areas (such as playgrounds) may require removal or even extermination of the bees. People should NOT try remove or exterminate bees on their own. Beekeepers and pest control companies have equipment to carry out these jobs in a safe manner. The city or county does not provide bee removal services. more active and may soon begin to swarm. For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Honey bee swarms look like a large clump of bees clustered Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at together. The swarm may stay in a location from a few hours to a 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to week. Swarms are produced as a part of the colony’s reproductive commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no process. An established colony produces a new queen, causing the discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas AgriLife Extension Service old queen and half the worker bees to leave the colony to search or the Texas AgriLife Research is implied. for a new nesting location. Swarming honey bees are usually gentle Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, and unlikely to sting. Swarms are not protecting their home, food color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. or offspring. Scout bees are sent out from the swarm to search for a nesting site. Colonies produce comb and honey and are defensive. Bees from a colony are more likely to sting as they are guarding their home, food and offspring. Sometimes, honey bee colonies can be found in wall voids, chimneys, attics or sheds. If bees are in a wall void, DO NOT block their entrance; this makes them search for another way to exit and could lead bees into the structure. To keep bees from entering a home, seal any holes found in walls where pipes enter the home, cracks in window framing, knotholes, weep holes, or cracks between wood and brick junctures. While many enjoy having honey bees around, some people are severely allergic to their venom. This, along with other situations,

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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016


TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2016

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

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