Twin Creeks - May 2016

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MAY 2016


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Karen Calvert, HOA Communications Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on… “April showers bring May flowers” … and green lawns and the start of our vegetable gardens! Let’s take a look at what the experts suggest at, www.naturalgardeneraustin. com, and now that we are approaching summer: • Finish planting vegetables and herbs so you can enjoy homegrown produce this summer. This is a good time to plant black-eyed peas, cantaloupe, cucumber, eggplant, peppers, pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, and watermelon. • Plant ground covers, hot weather annuals and ornamental plants such as ajuga, begonia, caladiums, copper plant, geraniums, impatiens, marigolds, periwinkle, portulaca, zinnia, ornamental grasses, and hardy varieties of palms. • Continue to plant perennials (black-eyed Susans, purple coneflower, daisies, lantana, plumbago, and salvia). • If you are interested in attracting butterflies, you can try planting passionflower, fennel, parsley, butterfly bush or butterfly weed. • Fertilize plantings monthly and mulch all base soil around plants to conserve water. • Check roses, ornamentals and vegetables for aphids, powdery mildew, and spider mites which begin to appear with hot weather. • Add a half-inch of compost to the top of your lawn and landscape areas to provide nutrients, followed by watering to prevent potential burning in the heat. • Apply Lady Bug Terra Tonic or Medina Soil Activator to your lawn, landscape and vegetable gardens to improve the health of your plants.

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

Did you know that Cedar Park has a Sculpture Garden? Well I didn’t! It opened in 2013 and is located at 1435 Main Street right next to the Cedar Park Recreation Center. Most of the sculptures are on loan from the artists and are rotated about once a year. Those that are on loan are available for purchase. And, right now, the Sculpture Garden is seeking new submissions! Artists of all experience levels are being considered (amateur to professional!). Entry forms must be submitted by May 27, 2016. If you are interested in further information, you can contact the Sculpture Garden at 512-401-5500, go to or stop by and just enjoy the Garden! Have you ever wondered why Cedar Park doesn’t have an official city flag? Well Mayor Matt Powell did. He took the idea to the City Council in January and the City Council is now reviewing submissions which had to be in by April 30, 2016. The final “product”, which could be one of the designs submitted or elements from several submissions, will be unveiled at a future community event. Last but certainly not least - don’t miss the May 7th election! The City of Cedar Park is holding a General and Special Election to elect the Mayor, several Council Places (Two, Four and Six) and a proposition for the sale of parkland. Registered Travis County voters residing in the City of Cedar Park will ONLY be permitted to vote at Williamson County locations for the May 7th election. These include Randalls, Cedar Park Public Library, and Vista Ridge High School. Let’s do our part and get out and vote!! Okay, that’s all for now! See you around the neighborhood!

Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - May 2016


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