Highlands at Gann Ranch
HIGHLANDS at Gann Ranch
Important Contact Information – Stay connected! If you are not aware, there are some easy ways to get connected to neighbors in Gann Ranch. None of these are directly maintained by the HOA, which is probably best. These apps/websites are a great ways to chat, message, and connect with your neighbors! Facebook: The Highlands of Gann Ranch does have a facebook group page. It’s not highly visited or updated, but when there is an event or need to communicate it is one place where we will post things. Please “friend” us if you are on Facebook: Highlands at Gann Rann Nextdoor “app”: online or on your phone you can access this app. https://nextdoor.com/ When you join you become connected to the “neighborhood” for Gann Ranch, as well as surrounding neighborhoods if you like. Currently we have around 118 folks in the Gann Ranch group. So we are finding this to be a good way to stay connected to a larger number of you-all! If you are interested in joining please do! And of course – if you need to contact our HOA management – here is their info: HOA Management contact info: Goodwin Management Customer Service Info@goodwintx.com 512-502-7515
Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.
Highlands or Gann Ranch – Calendar of Events!
October 1 Fall Fest October 17 Pool Closing Christmas House Decorating Contest This month's highlighted events are our Neighboorhood Garage Sale and Triathlon. Garage Sale Leader(s) Needed!!! Hey Neighbor. Are you an experienced garage saler? Are you interested in helping the neighborhood in planning out upcoming neighborhood garage sales event? We’re looking for someone or a team of folks to take the lead on planning and executing the garage sale event. That would include helping with ideas for advertising the event as well as helping coordinate the common sales area we plan to have this year near the pool for folks with handfuls of items. Advertising could mean helping us know where to lace ads in print and online. And leveraging apps such as Next Door to ensure our neighbors who want to join get the word – and that the app helps to ensure we facilitate routing buyers to the homes participating on the day. Call for Participation in a Kids Triathlon! We are thinking through the details of having a kid’s triathlon! Would your kids participate? It would be open for neighborhood kids age 5-12. We would have 2 programs with different distances for a Bike, Run and Swim. It would take place in the area near the school / track and our community pool. The event would likely take place one weekend in May. We’re reaching out to see if folks would be interested in participating. So – PLEASE let us know. Email: depivanova@ bellsouth.net The event is May 7th – so we need to get things started! Please – if you want to help – email depivanova@bellsouth.net
Highlands at Gann Ranch - June 2016