JUNE 2016
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Karen Calvert, HOA Communications Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on… First, thanks to everyone that voted in the City of Cedar Park’s General and Special Election. Mayor Matt Powell was elected to a third term. In addition, Place Two Council Member and current Mayor Pro Tem Corbin Van Arsdale, will serve his second term, Cobby Caputo is back and will serve on Place Four, and Place Six Council Member Kristyne Bollier won her first full term. Congratulations to all! Now that we are entering the summer months and potentially less rain, we may want to think about how to protect our lawns, landscaping and plants from the summer heat. Here are some suggestions from the experts at, www., and calendar.htm for the month of June: • Remove dead flower heads that have finished blooming so more will grow and keep in mind that the crisp, brown plant material is a fire hazard. • Water established plants deeply and less often, rather than shallowly and frequently. New transplants, seeds and seedlings may need daily watering. • If you aren’t sure if you need to water, check the soil about 5 inches down to see if it is dry before watering. • The best time to water is early morning. • Mulch all bare soil areas. Use three inches of mulch wherever possible for moisture retention and weed suppression. • If you are having trouble with weeds in your garden or landscape area, first pull the weeds or use a natural weed killer. For stubborn areas, also layer at least 10 sheets of black and white newsprint
(colored inks can be toxic) newspaper on top of the soil, overlapping the edges, and wet it down and cover with mulch. • In late June/early July apply slow-release 3-1-2-ratio fertilizers, with 3% Iron and 10% Sulphur. • This is still a good time to plant vegetables, herbs and melons along with various annuals (Begonia, Blue Daze, Coleus, Periwinkle, Portulaca, Zinnia, Marigold, Mexican Heather) perennials (Blackeye Susan, Butterfly Weed, Daisies, Coneflower, Goldenrod, Plumbago, Salvias, Sedum) and grasses (Maiden Grass, Mexican Feather Grass, Switchgrass, Inland Sea Oats, Purple Fountain Grass) Did you know that the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) is offering rebates for upgrades or repairs to residential irrigation systems? To find out if you qualify, check out www.cedarparktexas. gov and search on LCRA rebates. The LCRA also offers indoor and outdoor tips for conserving water (and saving money!). Here are a few of the outdoor tips that can be found on the LCRA site, www. , under the Watersmart program: • Adjust your lawn mower to cut grass to the height of 1.5 – 2 inches. Taller grass shades roots and holds soil moisture better than shorter grass • Leave lawn clippings on your grass to cool he ground and hold in moisture. • Aerate your lawn periodically. • If walking across the lawn leaves footprints and blades don’t spring back up, it is time to water. • Remember to weed your lawn and garden regularly. Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients and water. • Consider using drip irrigation on plants and trees. (Continued on Page 3)
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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2016