Travis Country West - July 2016

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Travis Country West

Volume 11, Number 7

July 2016

TCW Neighborhood News Official Publication of Travis Country West Community 2016 Annual Meeting DRAFT Minutes of the TRAVIS COUNTRY WEST OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. NEXT MEETING IS AUGUST 3rd at 6PM at the POOL Date: Time: Location: TX 78735

Monday, May 16, 2016 7:00 pm Austin Pizza Garden, 6266 W. Hwy. 290, Austin,

Melissa Yehl read the Proof of Notice dated April 15, 2016. Cindy Gangstad moved to approve the minutes of 2015 Annual Meeting as presented; Federico Mendoza seconded; motion carried. Julie Saft presented an HOA year in review report The pool deck was resurfaced in February Trail benches were added in July High speed wireless internet is now available at the pool New landscape contract was awarded to Priority Landscapes. They have been pro-active. Solar lights were installed at the East monument where no electricity is available. Melissa Yehl provided a financial report which included a comparison of May 2015 to May 2016 bank account and delinquent account balances. The 2016 budgeted expense projection was presented in pie chart format. Election of two (2) Directors Julie Saft has submitted her nomination request. Julie Saft then opened the floor to nominations. Mark Chavana nominated Mary Swanson; David Jones seconded; motion carried. Jason Svatek nominated himself; Michael Tarsha seconded; motion carried. Each candidate gave a nomination speech (Mark Chavana as

representative for Mary Swanson who was not able to attend). Ballots were collected. Committee Reports Social – Jason Svatek reported on the upcoming pool season kickoff party featuring a food truck sponosored by David Chastain and Ryan Leahy; music by Michael Tarsha’s band The Clutch Kings Band, and Kona Ice. A July 3party is also planned. Jason also reported on bids he is collecting for a shade structure of the play scape, and the feasibility of adding swings. Fall zone limitations are making the project difficult. ACC – Cindy Gangstad talked about submitting thorough projects, and what kinds of projects need to be submitted. Communications – the committee is in need of a chairman. Primary duties include gathering and organizing submitted newsletter articles to the publisher. Unfinished Business - Tim Shelhamer reported on the Los Indios Ventures commercial building project adjacent to the neighborhood on Southwest Parkway. The HOA has $30,000 being held in an escrow account, to be used within 3 years, for traffic mitigation. Federico Mendoza has agreed to help, given his expertise in the field. New Business - There was discussion of granite and rock wash out along the walking trail. Long-term solutions can be achieved, but the budget is tight. The Board continues to seek affordable solutions. There was a query about adding more dog stations along the interior sidewalk areas. Frustration over owners not picking up after their dogs was expressed. Residents asked about no soliciting deterrents. One resident expressed they have had good luck with a large no soliciting plaque at their front door. Election Results - Newly elected Directors are Julie Saft and Jason Svatek. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8pm.

Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.

Travis Country West Homeowners Association Newsletter - July 2016

Present: Julie Saft, Tim Shelhamer, Gary Jones, David Chastain, Paul and Melissa of Ascension Property Management Noting the presence of a quorum, Julie Saft called the meeting to order at 7pm, and introduced the Board Members and the property managers.


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