JULY 2016
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Karen Calvert, HOA Communications Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on… HAPPY JULY!
If you receive this newsletter before July 4th, I hope to see you all at the TC HOA/TCCC Annual 4th of July Celebration beginning with a TC parade at 11 a.m. followed by food and games starting at 12 noon. If it’s after the 4th, I hope you had a fantastic (and safe) 4th of July! It’s definitely summer – and the exper ts at www.,, and www. have a few suggestions on what to do for the month of July: • If you want to grow Jack O’ Lanterns in time for Halloween, then July is when you should plant pumpkins seeds or plants. • In addition, if you are going to grow vegetables for a fall garden that take several months to harvest, you should plant them in July – including tomatoes. • Check your container plants often as they may need to be watered everyday if the temperatures reach triple digits. • If you haven’t applied fertilizer to your landscape plants in the past couple of months, this is the last time to fertilize before fall. As an F.Y.I., native plants won’t need it, but non-native plants will appreciate it. On the City of Cedar Park front, here are a couple of items you might find of interest: • If you have driven on Anderson Mill between Lime Creek Road and RM 1431, you know it can be a bit dangerous at times. The City of Cedar Park has a project underway, currently in the design phase, to make improvements to this section of road. Phase One Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.
will include reconstruction to a two lane roadway with turn lanes at intersections. Phase Two will add two lanes on the northern section, plus two lanes through the Deer Creek portion. • Did you know that the City of Cedar Park has an emergency alert system, CPAlertME, that can call or text you on your mobile phone in the event of an emergency, severe weather event or disaster? To find out more about it, visit and search on Emergency Management We are still looking for volunteers to join the Communications Committee and assist in sharing HOA and community information with the neighborhood! If you are interested, please contact me at or send me a note via Nextdoor. I would definitely appreciate your help. Also, I posted some items in last month’s newsletter regarding pool safety but here are a few additional items that are important, especially when swimming in our community pool or other public pools: • Always designate an adult as supervisor. • Keep a cell phone nearby when supervising kids in the pool. • Make sure your children understand and obey all pool rules posted at the pool. • Check to see if there are Lifeguards on duty and learn where the safety equipment is located. • Perhaps most important for us is to realize is that having a Lifeguard present does not substitute for the watchful eyes of a parent or guardian. Let’s have a safe and enjoyable summer! Okay, that’s all for now! See you around the neighborhood!
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President.............................................................. Ross Burns Vice-President..................................................Brandon Lind Secretary.......................................................Chuck Andersen Treasurer....................................................... Deb Hackbarth Director.............................................................Bruce Roach
MANAGEMENT INFO Jim Smitherman Property Manager Goodwin Management Office: 512-502-2114 Cell: 512-230-3220 Fax: 512-346-4873
Event Pictures!!
Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at
NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Peel, Inc. PUBLISHER Peel, Inc......................., 512-263-9181 Advertising...............................
ADVERTISING INFO Please support the businesses that advertise in the Twin Creeks Tribune. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Twin Creeks residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or The advertising deadline is the 8th of each month for the following month's newsletter.
CLASSIFIED ADS Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Twin Creek residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512-263-9181 or 2
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
Copyright Š 2016 Peel, Inc.
TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE TWIN CREEKS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH NEWS… Brian and Shannon Tweedt, Neighborhood Watch Co-Chairpersons HELP STOP UNWANTED ACTIVITY Now that school is out, we need to remember that we will see a rise in unwanted activities. Please keep an extra eye out if you notice anything out of the normal. Please notify Cedar Park Police @ (512) 260-4600 immediately if you do see something. REMEMBER
• • • • • • •
Keep your porch lights on at night Lock your car doors if left outside Keep your garage door closed Know your Block Captain Get to know your neighbors Have someone keep an eye on your house while on vacation Drive the posted speed limit and watch out for small children
Each of these steps help keep Twin Creeks a great place to live.
BLOCK CAPTAIN POSITIONS STILL NEEDED We are still in need of Block Captains for a handful of streets. Please contact Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at to discuss volunteering. Block Captains For the Following Streets Are Needed:
Section The Gardens The Park The Reserve The Reserve The Reserve The Reserve The Reserve The Reserve
Street #s | 2500's 2401 - 2412 2911 - 2931 3100 - 3310 3103 - 3205 2800 - 2807 3101 - 3133 All
Street Name Farleigh Lane Falmer Court Grand Oaks Loop Hidden Hills Ln Shadow Canyon Dr Sugar Maple Ct Millstream Dr The Condos
Thank you for helping keep Twin Creeks Safe. Thank you, ~ Shannon & Brian Tweedt Co-Chairpersons Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Every Neighbor Should Report Every Crime Every Time! Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
If You Are Looking for Things to Do in July, Check-Out These Events! Karen Calvert, Communications Committee Chair • Enjoy the Summer Concerts in The Park at the Recreation Center on 1435 Main Street in Cedar Park being held on the third Wednesday in July (7/20/2016) and August (8/17/2016) from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. For more information, visit . • You might be interested in exploring the activities at the Cedar Park Library. There are currently a range of activities for little tykes through teens and adults such as story-time, kid’ chess, tweens Chemistry Road Show, movies, puppet shows, adult knitting club, and more. For further information, visit .
Partnership for Children
Fabian, 5 and Julio, 7 are two happy little boys who are always laughing and interacting with one another, they are searching for a forever family. They enjoy playing games and watching videos, and are quick to show others how much fun they're having. Fabian and Julio are healthy children and will do well with a patient family who offers structure and a routine. They respond well to encouragement and motivation and will enjoy having positive role models in their lives. A program of Partnerships for Children, The Heart Gallery of Central Texas is both a traveling portrait exhibit and outreach opportunity for individuals to learn more about children in the foster care system and the adoption process. The children are in foster care because they have been removed from their biological homes because of abuse and neglect, and are awaiting adoption. Learn more at:
• How about attending a concert at the Cedar Park Center? You can see the Casey Donahew Band on July 8th and 9th, Naughty By Nature on July 22nd, or Shinedown, Halestrom and Black Stone Cherry on July 31st. For more information, visit . • How about taking a tour of the State Capital? Guided tours are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and Sundays from 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Self-guided tours are also available. Check-out for more information. • Visit Salado, TX for the Royal Street Art Walk which is being held on the 4th Friday of each month from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. For more information, visit
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
Join us on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:15 p.m. at the Cedar Park Recreation Center MEANINGFUL FAITH… MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.
Neighborhood Compassion Watch! On April 14, 2016, the Austin City Council passed a resolution designating Austin as a Compassionate City. There are now over 350 compassionate communities globally and the number is growing. Compassionate Austin is recognized as a leader! Let’s start the “Neighborhood Compassion Watch”! Compassion exists in 3 key dimensions: caring for others, self, and the Earth. Discover and share your stories of “3D” compassion. Catch people in the act! Engage youth in a treasure hunt for compassion and help them tell about what they find. Send your stories to Compassionate Austin at Be sure to identify your neighborhood when you submit your story! We may be able to publish them in this newsletter or on the Compassionate Austin website or Facebook page. Also, we are looking for stories that we can highlight in Citizen Communications at Austin City Council meetings. Breaking News! The Global Compassion Summit is coming up July 13-14th. It is part of the 5th annual Summer of Peace — the largest online peace event on the planet! Dr. Lesa Walker, Founder of the Compassionate Austin Movement, is one of the speakers on
July 14. She will provide information about the Compassionate Austin movement and the importance of the daily practice of “3D” compassion! The Global Compassion Summit is a FREE online event. Google it to learn more and register. Sign up TODAY!! Here is the link: This year’s theme for the Summit is Mindfulness and Compassion in Daily Life. Speakers are global leaders and experts in the field, sharing stories of how compassion and mindfulness are contributing to a more conscious, peaceful and sustainable world. You’ll hear from teachers bringing mindfulness to at-risk youth, attorneys using mindfulness and compassion to shift our legal system, physicians putting “care” back into health care, and activists who are using compassion to anchor their communities together. Research shows the personal and community benefits of strengthening our compassion skills. We grow stronger in what we practice! Let’s join together to bring 3D compassion to life! We ALL are Compassionate Austin! Find out more at: WWW.COMPASSIONATEAUSTIN.ORG
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We’re here for our most important client: YOU. Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.
Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
TWIN CREEKS TRIBUNE At no time will any source be allowed to use the Twin Creeks Community Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Twin Creek's Homeowner's Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Twin Creeks residents only. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
Emerald Ash Borer found in Texas Emerald ash borer, often referred to as EAB, is an exotic pest from Asia. This beetle is a serious threat to ash trees. Emerald ash borer was accidentally introduced into the United States and was found in Michigan in 2002. Four beetles were found in a trap located in NE Texas (Harrison County) in late April 2016. There are currently no confirmed cases of ash trees that are infested. The beetles will continue to be monitored throughout the state. Larvae bore into trees under the bark and cut off the water and nutrient conducting vessels. Larvae are creamy white, legless with a flattened body. Larvae are 1- 1 ½ inches in length when fully developed. As an adult, the beetle is elongated and cylindrical with the pronotum (a part of the thorax) extended back as a lobe towards the abdomen. Most notably, these beetles are bright, metallic green with reddish hues. Adults are about 1/2 inch in size. If the wings are removed or lifted, the upper side of the abdomen is bright coppery-red which can help differentiate this beetle from closely related species in Texas. In infested trees, canopy die back is often seen in the top one third of the canopy and then moves down until the tree is bare. Epicormic shoots (leafy shoots coming off the trunk of the tree) may also be seen. Vertical fissures may appear on the bark and galleries may be able to be seen through openings. If bark is peeled off, serpentine galleries packed with frass (excrement) may be seen. Adult beetles produce a d-shaped exit hole (1/8 inch diameter). Woodpeckers may cause damage to tees infested with EAB. Look for flaking bark and uneven holes caused by the woodpeckers feeding on larvae and pupae. If EAB activity is confirmed for ash trees within an area, it is recommended that a systemic insecticide treatment is given to ash trees of high value. If more than 50% of an infested ash tree crown remains, then treatment with a systemic insecticide may slow the attack. If less than 50% of an infested ash tree crown remains, the tree should be removed. For great information on emerald ash borer within Texas see the following site: This information is to have you watch for this beetle on ash trees in your area. Only 4 beetles have been found currently and only in NE Texas. No trees have yet been confirmed to be infested. For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at: Copyright Š 2016 Peel, Inc.
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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
37 Texas children have already fatally drowned in 2016
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Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - July 2016
Copyright © 2016 Peel, Inc.