Sendera - September 2016

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Volume 11, Number 9

September 2016




Norman Trail Playground Grand Opening

We had a great turnout on August 6 for the grand opening of the Sendera Place/Norman Trail playground. The HOA Board provided donuts and kolaches, and board members were on hand to answer questions. This project is the culmination of nearly three years work to relocate the old playground that was in violation of city codes. Board member Tom Franke was our essential liaison with the city, and he helped us overcome the long process of getting the proper permits and avoiding steep fines that our neighborhood would have otherwise incurred. Our entire board deserves much applause for seeing this project through to completion. A special thanks goes to Ady Howarth for taking photos during the event, and to Bana Jousan for the artistic renderings of the completed playground, greenspace, and pond. [More information about the pond project coming soon in a future issue.] The park is available for birthday parties on a first-come, first-served basis. There is an electrical outlet for party inflatables. Residents are asked not to bring glass containers/bottles or visible adult beverages. Most importantly, please make sure the park is litter free afterward.

Copyright Š 2016 Peel, Inc.

Sendera Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2016


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