Twin Creeks November 2016
Volume 10, Issue 11
Official Publication of the Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Wondering what’s going on in and around our neighborhood? Well here are a few things to catch-up on… Neighborhood Watch News Brian and Shannon Tweedt, Neighborhood Watch Co-Chairpersons National Night Out: A special THANK YOU to all the Block Captains for putting together another successful NNO. Many streets got to enjoy the beauty of Twin Creeks and their neighbors. Along with visits from Cedar Park Police and Fire Department, there was even a sighting of the famous McGruff the Crime Dog. Thanks again to everyone who was able to make it out and meet their neighbors. CHECK-OUT the great pictures of some of the block gatherings during NNO on the next few pages! Block Captain Positions Still Needed: We a re s t il l in need of Block Captains for a handful of streets. Please contact Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Chairpersons, Brian & Shannon Tweedt, at to discuss volunteering. We appreciate your help in keeping Twin Creeks Safe.
Thank you for helping keep Twin Creeks Safe. Every Neighbor Should Report Every Crime Every Time! Cedar Park News Karen Calvert, Communications Committee Chairperson In case you haven’t heard, the Cedar Park City Council approved a decrease in our property tax rate! The Council adopted a property tax rate of 47 cents which is down from last year’s 47.95 cents. This
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represents a decrease of almost a penny for every $100 of property value and is the lowest Cedar Park has seen in 13 years! A major contributor to this decrease in the tax rate is the growth in the business community. The sales tax revenues generated by shopping and dining in Cedar Park help offset the City’s dependence on property taxes needed to provide City services. So, keep shopping and dining in Cedar Park!! You may have found an “Important Notice” from the Cedar Park Water Department on your front door a few weeks ago. The City of Cedar Park is upgrading our water meters to a more advanced “Smart Water Meter” technology. This drive-by system will be read once a month and will provide a Customer Portal with real time usage data, threshold alerts, customer leak alerts, more timely utility alerts, and the radio frequency emitted is less than the old meters. Installation of the new meters is projected to be complete April 2017 with completion of the Customer Portal Rollout May 2017. Interested in lowering your water bill? The City of Cedar Park creates your water usage rate by averaging the usage from December through February billing cycles. By cutting back on the amount of watering November through February you can reduce your water bill. Several projects are underway to support the continued growth in the City of Cedar Park ( Here are some highlights: • A Pedestrian Bridge and Sidewalk Project located on the north side of RM 1431 between 183A and Discovery Boulevard is under construction. • Design is underway for Fire Station #5 which will be located on Cottonwood Creek just north of the Cedar Park Regional Hospital and for Phase 2 Expansion of the Police Station. • Design is approaching completion for Phase One of the Anderson Mill project and is scheduled to go out for construction bids in the Fall. Phase One includes reconstruction as two lanes (of a future four-lane divided roadway) from RM 1431 to Lime Creek Road (Continued on Page 2) Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - November 2016