Bella Vista - March 2017

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March 2017

Official Publication of the Bella Vista Homeowners Association

Volume 9, Issue 3


Communication - The Board is seeking the most effective way to EXCELLENT job the last few years providing ~6 events each communicate with our homeowners so an analysis was conducted year that have been enjoyed by the neighbors; however, with any on the current methods with the following results: volunteer activity, the baton must be passed. Please contact the Smiths or one of the board members via Facebook or email (see • Facebook – only 55% of the homes are registered; page 2) if you want to have any events this year. • Nextdoor – only 50% of the homes are registered; New Business – The Board would like to welcome Stacey Pye, • HOA website – 70% of the homes are registered; the new RealManage property manager, to the team. You can reach • None – 14% of the homes are not represented. Stacey at the number and email listed on page 2. The Board met Since the HOA website email list is “private” and only available as scheduled in January and February and minutes are posted to for HOA related communication, the Board is requesting that the Bella Vista Website. someone from each home create an account and provide us with Home Improvements – Please use the “new” ACC form when your current email or if you have an account, please verify that submitting requests to RealManage for any projects planned for the email is current. This will ensure that future events and urgent your property. The ACC form is located on the Bella Vista website news can be provided to 100% of the homeowners. The website under “Documents” and “Architectural Committee Approval is Request Form” or at the following link: http://www.bellavista-hoa. Please make every effort to provide the information as soon as possible. You will only receive emails regarding HOA meetings and HOA events. There will be no emails regarding advertising or solicitation. Bella Vista only has 303 homes and we don’t want you to miss any critical information.


Board Meetings – The next Board meeting is scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the RealManage office, 9601 Amberglen Blvd, Suite 150, Bldg G, Austin TX 78729 (next to Lifetime Fitness on RR 620 service road). Board contact Recreation - The Smiths (Erica & James) have done an information is located on page 2.

Copyright © 2017 Peel, Inc.

Bella Vista Bulletin - March 2017


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