Grand Lake Estates
Volume 3, Issue 6
June 2017
News and Notes from the Board April 2017
The spillway repairs have been completed and the Connie Lane repairs should start on May 1. The roads have been marked for the road humps to be installed and road evaluations for pot hole repairs have been sent out for bid. The Board is reviewing the costs and implications of moving the website from AtHomeNet to our property management group. The Board approved the bid for repairing and maintaining the irrigation system. Repairs cost will be $460.06 and maintenance costs for twelve visits per year will be $1,169.10. In a discussion regarding heavy truck traffic, Board President Thomas Clare explained that there are between 30-40 homes under construction in GLE currently. Since the subdivision is only about 50% built out, the trucks will continue traveling through the neighborhood. A police report was made of the vandalism at the park. Total replacement costs due to the damage are estimated around $15,000. An insurance claim will be filed. The Board is considering having additional lighting installed around the park. Mr. Jules Peterson has been appointed to the Board due to the resignation of Jimmy Adkins, who moved out of the subdivision. Mr. Peterson’s term will expire in August 2018. The Social Committee reported that there are a total of 141 flags now. The profits being used for social events such as the Easter Egg Hunt (where about 80 children participated), the potluck dinner and the ice cream social, as well as, other planned events.
Copyright © 2017 Peel, Inc.
Community Announcements Women’s Book Club If you like to read, come join us! This is an opportunity to read a great book and to be able to get to know other ladies in the neighborhood. The goal of the book club is to have fun, exchange ideas, and treat yourself to reading and discussing at least one book a month. If you have any questions and would like to learn about our next meeting, please feel free to contact us at Missing out on the GLE newsletter? Go to Peel, Inc. Newsletter Subscription and sign up to have the newsletters sent directly to your mailbox. Prior versions of the newsletter may be found at the Peel website, as well as, on the GLE POA website. GLE’s Property Management Company is IMC Property Management and our property manager is Tammy Perry. Tammy can be reached at tammyperry@imcmanagement. net or 936-756-0032.
Grand Lake Estates - June 2017