Lakes on Eldridge North - June 2017

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Lakes on Eldridge North

Volume 16, Issue 6

June 2017

LOEN Ladies Club News Ladies, our club is a great place to meet your neighbors and make new friends. Whether you are new to LOEN or an established resident we welcome you to check us out! The club has several social and game groups that meet monthly throughout the year. In addition, we hold five general membership meetings yearly. Some activity groups meet during the day and others in the evenings all to accommodate the differing schedules of our members. Our groups are Angels on LOEN, Bridge, Daytime Book Club, Evening Book Club, Brunch Bunch, Bunco, Dinner Club, Explorers, and Girls Night Out. We also facilitate a Men’s Group for LOEN Men. The LOEN Ladies Club, a social club open to all women of the community, held a general meeting on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 in the LOEN Clubhouse. The evening began with a Potluck Social Hour at 6:30pm. At 7:30pm the general meeting was called to order and the new officers and executive board members who will be serving the club during the 2017-18 term were introduced. 2017-18 OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS

OFFICERS President - Jeanne MacKenzie Vice-President - Linda Troy Secretary - Margaret McCarron Treasurer - Mary Meiers Nelson Advisor - Shirley deSmit

Attention Parents of Graduating Seniors! We would like to recognize our graduating seniors by including a small picture and a few lines about where your child will be attending college. Please send your information to articles@ (include the newsletter you would like to recognize them in, photo, name, etc). Copyright © 2017 Peel, Inc.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Publicity - Simone Glueck-Shiffer Social - Janet Butler If you would like more information or are just not quite sure that you’re ready to join, then contact us for more information via email or ask how you can attend one of our activity groups as a visitor. Then, if you like us, you can join the Ladies Club! Remember that visitors are always welcomed at our general meetings and new members are accepted at any time during the year. If you would like more information or want to join the LOEN Ladies Club, please contact Jeanne MacKenzie at Lakes on Eldridge North - June 2017


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