Grand Lake Estates - July 2017

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Grand Lake Estates

Volume 3, Issue 7


July 2017

News and Notes from the Board May 2017

The roads have been marked for the street repairs to be made. Speed hump placement has been marked with orange.

Community Announcements Missing out on the GLE newsletter? Go to Peel, Inc. Newsletter Subscription and sign up to have the newsletters sent directly to your mailbox. Prior versions of the newsletter may be found at the Peel website, as well as, on the GLE POA website. GLE’s Property Management Company is IMC Property Management and our property manager is Tammy Perry. Tammy can be reached at or 936-756-0032.

Copyright Š 2017 Peel, Inc.

The Connie Lane project had to have a few areas reevaluated so that the driveways would not have a hump in them. After this has been done, work can start on the project. The Board approved to cancel the current At Home website hosting service and to proceed with the construction of the new website buildout that will be maintained by our property management group. This will be a significant cost reduction for the POA. A vote by the Board approved the replacement of the playground set that was damaged by vandalism. Information has been submitted to the insurance carrier. The 2017 Cookies with Santa budget of $500 was approved. A resident has volunteered to research internet options and will form a committee to go door-to-door to try and find a new provider. This committee will report its findings to the Board for further consideration.

Grand Lake Estates - July 2017


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