Jester Estates - July 2017

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Jester Estates Official Publication of Jester Homeowners Association, Inc. July 2017

Volume 12, Issue 7

It is now safe to trim your oak trees here in Jester by Dale Bulla

From July through the end of the year, it is safe to trim your oak trees here in Jester. Even though oak wilt is in the area, it has not shown up in our neighborhood yet. If you are new to the area, Oak Wilt is an incurable disease that attacks red oaks and live oaks mainly. Both of these species are in the “red oak family.” It is spread by a beetle that is active between the end of February to the end of June. So, do not trim Oaks after the end of February which is when the sap beetles start to become active. Sap beetles can spread a fungus that is also spread by failure to properly clean pruning tools. It can also spread by interconnected tree roots that cause it. Once a tree is infected, it lasts only about three months. The city of Austin has lost over 10,000 trees so far and many more will be lost.

Summer ADULT SOCIAL Wednesday, July 26st 6 – 8 pm Scoreboard in Jester Village The HOA invites you to come socialize with your neighbors at a gathering at My Place! Light appetizers will be provided and happy hour price drinks will be available for purchase. We hope to see you there! h t t p : / / w w w. t e x a s o a k w i l t . o r g / P r o f e s s i o n a l s / ISATTFSOakwiltpruningofficial_v2.pdf What can you do? First of all plant diverse tree species so that the disease won’t spread through a monoculture. Yards (Continued on Page 2)

PARADE & ACTIVITIES Tuesday, July 4 - 9:30 am

Paint your wagons, decorate your bikes, your pets, and yourself, and join this festive parade! Gather at Jester Club at 9:30 am (you don’t need to be a member of the club to participate). Parade route will be up Jester, around Basil, and back. Games and activities to follow! Please contact Teresa at 512-751-8000 or if you would like to help at this event! Copyright © 2017 Peel, Inc.

The Jester Warbler - July 2017


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