Twin Creeks - August 2017

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Twin Creeks August 2017


Volume 11, Issue 8

Official Publication of the Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association

Message from the President Hope y’all have had a marvelous summer. Thought you’d like a bit of an update about what’s been going on around our beautiful neighborhood. • CHANGES IN THE BOARD: A few changes have taken place on the HOA Board due to terms being up for a couple of positions resulting in some shuffling of responsibilities. Ross Burns, who has been our fearless leader as President for several years, is now Vice President. Thank you, Ross, for all that you have done for the community as President and thank you for continuing to play an important role for us on the Board. Debby Hackbarth, former Treasurer, is now President of the HOA Board. Chuck Anderson remains as Secretary and Landscaping Liaison; Karen Calvert has joined the Board as Treasurer; Bruce Roach remains as Director; and Brandon Lind’s term has ended. • LANDSCAPING: We have had several projects completed and many continuing projects ongoing: o The line-of-sight project at the entrance and down Twin Creeks Club Drive is complete. o The general hardscape cleaning is complete. o Bushes along Twin Creeks Club Drive have been added. o Agaves and other plants injured by frost have been replaced. o The arbors have been refurbished and several up-lights have been replaced. • RESERVE TRAIL: This asset to our neighborhood continues to

be enjoyed by hikers of all ages. o The concrete pathway covering washout areas has been stained. o Our landscapers continue to maintain brushy areas along the trail. o New centers with dog baggies and rubbish holders have been added. • SOCIAL EVENTS: Our fantastic social committee members have brought us several super events and are planning several more in the months to come. o April 15th was the Easter Eggstravaganza. o July 4th was the annual parade and fun activities. o Upcoming: Fall Festival - October 15th and a New Year’s Eve/ Winter Holiday event - December 30th. CONTINUED NEEDS: If you are wondering where you can help, please consider the following: o We continue to need a new Neighborhood Watch Chairperson o Communications Committee needs members For your reference, the General Manager of the club is Justin Jafarian and his contact information is A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR BOARD MEMBERS AND BOARD COMMITTEES AND THEIR MEMBERS AS WELL AS JIM SMITHERMAN, OUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EXPERT, FOR ALL OF THEIR TIRELESS WORK ON OUR BEHALF. Debby Hackbarth, President TC HOA Board

Neighborhood Watch News…

A Letter from Brian and Shannon Tweedt, Neighborhood Watch Co-Chairpersons Dear Twin Creeks Neighbors, We are looking for a replacement of the Neighborhood Watch Chairperson. During the 2017 annual HOA meeting, the Mayor stated that we continue to remain the safest community in Cedar Park and we would like to keep it that way. Since taking on this role in 2014, we have enjoyed helping the community stay connected and safe. Recently our careers have taken us in a different direction and we can no longer provide the level of service we feel this community deserves. We would like to see someone Copyright © 2017 Peel, Inc.

step up and take Neighborhood Watch to the next level. We will continue to play an active role but need someone to take the reins. If you or anyone you know would be interested, please reach out to us. This is an important program for our community and we don't want to see it diminish. Thank you, ~ Brian & Shannon Tweedt | Co-Chairpersons Twin Creeks Neighborhood Watch Twin Creeks Homeowner's Association Newsletter - August 2017


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