Northwest Austin Civic Association - April 2018

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APRIL 2018


President’s Message –Vicki DeWeese

It’s almost parade time!!! A HUGE thank you and shout out to Coach Mo, Epoch Coffee, NWACA Board member Joanie Arrott, and 2017 Fourth of July Parade Chair Amy Hajdu, for their work planning the 2018, 46th Annual NWACA Fourth of July Parade. Parade Chairs for 2018 are: Joanie Arrott and Coach Mo! Please thank them for working really hard on our biggest undertaking of the year! If you would like to help in any way, please contact them at . Working on the parade is a great way to meet your neighbors and help our neighborhood! Due to construction at Doss Elementary and Murchison Middle School, our parade will move back to the Far West parade route that we followed for 44 years. The Freedom Festival, a.k.a. the “after party,” will take place in the parking lots of Epoch Coffee and Coach Mo’s Fitness! Sponsors and vendors are already being lined up and we have some surprises! NWACA recently welcomed three new board members: Connie Lundgren, Chair of our Neighborhood Watch Program, Rachel Lance, our fabulous new Facebook administrator, and Richard Grayum, who comes to us from our neighboring Balcones Civic Association (BCA). Please welcome our new board members! Our annual neighborhood survey, which helps the board determine our focus of work for the upcoming year was recently completed.

Please see the results of that survey in this newsletter. And, another survey, regarding telecommunications/internet service in our neighborhood is out for your review until April 5th. Please participate! For more information, please contact NWACA Board member, Charlie Galvin at: . Saturday, April 9th from 8:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. in the Doss Elementary parking lot, NWACA hosts our annual Electronics and Styrofoam Recycling event open to NWACA members. Not a member? You can join at the event for $25 annual dues! You can save time and fuel, as well as supporting your neighborhood while leaving the hauling to NWACA volunteers who take your old materials to the City’s recycling center in South Austin. For more information: contact Tree, Wildlife and Environment Chair Joanie Arrott at: Sunday, April 15th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., leave the driving to Cap Metro, and meet fellow NWACA members at Northcross Mall, as we travel to the Palmer Events Center to attend the Art City Austin fine arts festival. Everyone who attended the bus adventures last year had a great time! More information can be found in this newsletter. I hope that many of you were able to attend the Neighborhood

Am I a Member?

New to the Neighborhood?

You get the newsletter every month, so you're a NWACA member, right? Not necessarily! Thanks to our advertisers, every single-family household in the NWACA area receives the monthly newsletter. Members pay annual dues of only $25, ensuring that NWACA special events such as the Fourth of July parade, fall garage sales, recycling events, and summer pool parties continue. NWACA committees such as Wildfire Prevention, Crime and Safety, and Tree and Environment depend on your dues to produce educational materials and programs. The Special Projects Fund helps improve the quality of life in our neighborhood. Want to get more involved with NWACA? You can join a committee, and members are eligible to run for the NWACA board. If you’re not sure you’re a member, we’re happy to answer! Either go to and use the quick link on the home page or email us at Thanks from all your neighbors!

If this is the first time you’re seeing our newsletter, welcome to the NWACA neighborhood! This map shows our boundaries – Mopac, RM 2222, Loop 360, and Spicewood Springs Road. There are about 4100 other households who are your neighbors and are happy you’re here! This newsletter is one way to keep up with what’s happening here, but there’s a lot more available, too. Check out the quick link For New Neighbors on our web site at Then, please join us as a dues-paying member; there’s a form you can use at the end of the newsletter, or you can join online.

Copyright © 2018 Peel, Inc.

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Welcome to NWACA! NWACA News - April 2018 1

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