Silverlake Homeowner's Association, Inc. Newsletter
September 2018 • Volume 10, Issue 9
Silvercrest News It’s a new school year. Welcome and welcome back! We’re looking forward to a fantastic year at Silvercrest. There is a lot already started, so please get involved whenever you can! Go Stallions!
PTA Reflections Competition: HEROES AROUND ME PTA Membership Join our PTA! We are so proud of the number of parents who get involved, but there’s always room for more. Join us in support of student success and a strong Silvercrest community! You can now join our PTA online and pay by credit card! Get this crossed of your to-do list early and skip the paper form and check-writing. If you would like more information, please contact Chieu Foo at
Spirit Shirts Silvercrest Spirit Shirts are currently on sale. The cost is $10 per shirt for Youth XS - Adult XL and $12 for 2XL and 3XL. Order forms will be sent home from school with students. For questions, contact Marla Jones at
Fall Fundraiser: Fun Run! For the third year, our fall fundraiser will be the Gallop & Glow Run! The theme this year is “Mind Spark”. It’s a 9-day program that kicks off with a Pep Rally on Wednesday, September 5th. Families will then gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps), and we’ll celebrate at the Fun Run on Friday, September 14th. Donations will fund the PTA’s budget for the 2018-19 school year and to the entire 9-day experience. So please help our school by reaching out to sponsors. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer on your student at the Fun Run! Thank you for your support! Copyright © 2018 Peel, Inc.
Do you enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing your inner artist with our annual PTA Reflections Competition! This year’s theme, “Heroes Around Me,” allows for a wide variety of interpretation, so let your inner creativity shine! Interest forms and entry rules and forms will be available this month via flyers sent home with students, and our PTA Facebook Page and PTAvenue website. Students - start thinking about how you want to interpret this theme. Upon entering, you will have a chance to compete at our school level, with the possibility of advancing to the District and State levels!
Fall Spirit Nights Silvercrest families stay tuned for upcoming Spirit Nights with local retail partners, a really easy way for you to contribute! Shop or eat at specific places on the date listed and they will kindly donate funds back to our school. We will remind you of these Spirit Nights by sending home flyers in your students’ folders, listing them on the marquee, Facebook, and through our school website. Everyone wins with your participation!
Mark Your Calendars September 20thn @ 6:30 pm PTA General Meeting Silvercrest 4th grader Alyssa Miller and 2nd grader Santi Mejia earned a spot at the AAU Junior Olympic Games in Des Moines, Iowa (July 28th – Aug 4th). Both are first year runners for the Pearland Track Xpress. Way to go Alyssa and Santi! Welcome back students, teachers, administrators, and staff. Have a healthy, safe, and fun year! Silverlake Homeowner's Association - September 2018