Make The Most Of Your Lunch Hour WHAT IS LIFE LESSONS? The goal of Life Lessons is to create a nonthreatening environment that values people and gives them an opportunity to decompress in the middle of the workday. Lunch groups are safe settings that welcome participants to consider issues of finances, faith, family, relationships, and character. WHO PARTICIPATES IN LIFE LESSONS? Everyone is welcome. At Life Lessons, co-workers meet over lunch on a regular basis to view relevant, useful messages. Groups are volunteer-driven, nondenominational, and open to everybody. And the best part is that lunch is always free!
Watch a great message.
Watch Watch a great a great message. message. WHEN: Ever 2nd & 4th Wednesday From 12 to 1pm
Enjoy a free lunch.
Enjoy Enjoy a free a free lunch. lunch. Watch Watch a great a great message. message.
WHERE: Circle C Ranch Community Center Kindly RSVP to
nd th ] Every 2 nd & 4th ] Every ] Enjoy Every 2 nda& 2free 4& 4th Enjoy a free Partnerships for Children 7th Annual Girls and Giving Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
On Thursday, September 20, 2018, Partnerships for Children will Circle C Ranch host the 7th Annual Girls and Giving at The Hotel Van Zandt in Center downtown Austin.Community It will be an evening of giving back as we enjoy food, signature cocktails, exciting raffles, live music, and dancing!
] 12 to 1pm Last year our event sold out, so it you have not already reserved
a spot, we encourage you to act now – you don’t want to miss this opportunity,! You can view a complete listing of sponsorship benefits and purchase your tickets on our website - www.
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Copyright © 2018 Peel, Inc.
lunch. lunch. Watch Watch a great a great ] message. ] message.
As a nonprofit in Central Texas, Partnerships For Children leads a Circle Circle C Ranch C Ranch collection of programs that offer resources, support, and comfort for Community Center Center foster children andCommunity families nd in our nd community. Our accessibility to th th Every Every 2 2 & 4 & 4 Child Protective Services, efficient practices, and ability to connect to 12 1pm to lives 1pm with kids at12 all stages in their allow us to better serve those who Wednesday Wednesday need us most by providing real and impactful solutions.
] ] ] Enjoy ] Enjoy aafree a free Watch Watch great a great lunch. lunch. Watch a great ] message. Circle ] message. Circle C Ranch C Ranch
message. Community Community Center Center nd th Enjoy Enjoy a free a4& free ] 12 Every ] to Every 2 nd 2 & 4th 12 1pm to 1pm Enjoy a free lunch. lunch. Wednesday Wednesday Watch Watch a great a great lunch. ] message. Circle ] message. Circle C Ranch C Ranch
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The Gazette - September 2018
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