Grand Lake Estates
Volume 4, Issue 11
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Missing out on the GLE newsletter? Go to Peel, Inc. Newsletter Subscription and sign up to have the newsletters sent directly to your mailbox. Prior versions of the newsletter may be found at the Peel website. G L E ’s Pr o p e r t y M a n a g e m e n t Company is IMC Property Management and our property manager is Tammy Perry. Tammy can be reached at or 936-756-0032. The GLE POA website is If you have any questions concerning the new website, please contact Tammy Perry at IMC Property Management. Board minutes and financials are located at the POA website. Go to glepoa. com and select the board meeting tab. The password is GLEBoardMins&Fins. You must enter the password exactly as written with the same upper and lowercase letters. REMINDER: Do not dump any type of materials such as dirt, landscaping supplies, etc. in the easement areas that the POA maintains. Copyright © 2018 Peel, Inc.
November 2018
News and Notes from the Board
SEPTEMBER 2018 - ANNUAL MEETING September is the month of the GLE POA annual meeting. Board member elections are held during this meeting. For this year, five positions were open on the board. Damon Scott and Ryan Blair remain on the board as they were not up for reelection this year. David Martin was reelected to the board. New members elected are Ellen Edwards, Kim Kohlenberger, Kamber McElroy and Savannah Manhold. Board President Thomas Clare reviewed the year: Contracted a single-source trash service Replaced flags for all three flag poles Installed new digital signs at both gates Added security cameras at both gates Held numerous social events Road repairs, drainage maintenance/improvements Digitized all records Landscaping improvements with plants, lighting and irrigation Purchase of Unrestricted Reserves Purchased on-site storage Completed annual audit President Clare also reviewed the financials and updated the community on the projects. The entire annual meeting agenda and financials are available on the GLE POA website.
Mark Your Calendars and Join the Fun! The “GLE Getting Social” Facebook page includes the most up-to-date details, times, & locations. Not on FB check out the LED signs or email us at • Walking Club at the Park (Every Tuesday evening at 6:30) • GLE Playdate (November 6th and November 16th) each 1st Tuesday and 3rd Friday • BUNCO (November 9th) Ladies Night Out at various homes on each 2nd Friday • •GLE Happy Hour (November 17th) • Turkey Trot (November 22nd at 8:00) • Cookie Decorating Class (November 29th at 6:00) (Continued on Page 2) Grand Lake Estates - November 2018