Silverlake Homeowner's Association, Inc. Newsletter
2018 Halloween Decorating Contest Winners
December 2018 • Volume 10, Issue 12
Breakfast with Santa 2018
The Silverlake HOA is proud to sponsor the Annual Silverlake Halloween Decorating Contest for the 11th year. This year's winners are the Hares at 3927 Balmoral Lane in the Fairway Village section of Silverlake. The lucky winners will receive $100 cash prize. Congratulations!
On the very first day of December, Santa visited Silverlake. As usual, the event was well attended and a wonderful success. The weather cooperated and allowed for a great turnout. Pancakes, sausage, hot chocolate, juice and cold drinks topped the menu. The very popular crafts and cookie decorating was assisted by the Girl Scouts, and all those who participated took home a handmade ornament or beautifully decorated cookies. Train rides and other fun for the kiddies made it a special day. Highlight of the event, of course, was the arrival of Santa Claus who patiently listened to each of the Christmas wish lists for all of the good little boys and girls who attended. Unwrapped toys were collected to be distributed to less fortunate children through the Pearland Neighborhood Center and Women's Shelter. A special thank you to all who volunteered their services to make this annual event a wonderful holiday success.
Happy Holidays Silverlake Copyright Š 2018 Peel, Inc.
Silverlake Homeowner's Association - December 2018