Volume 13, Number 12
December 2018
Happy Holidays from the Sendera Board of Directors! There are some changes coming for Sendera in 2019. Our newsletter publisher, Peel, Inc., has provided us with a free newsletter for many years. They have been able to do this by publishing advertisements that offset the cost of printing and mailing. However, they informed us that since ad revenue is no longer covering their costs, starting in the new year we would need to pay a monthly fee. The board had already been considering adding a digital newsletter, and this seemed like a good time to make the jump. So here's the most important part: THIS ISSUE IS YOUR LAST PAPER NEWSLETTER. If you want to keep receiving regular neighborhood updates, please contact First Service Residential (austin@ fsresidential.com) to make sure that you are signed up for our community emails. We will also be starting a blog, and since we won't have the publishing and mailing deadlines that the paper newsletter had, it will be a much more current and up-to-date source of information. We will provide a link on the Sendera home page (senderahoa.com) as soon as the blog goes live. Finally, Alison Carpenter, who has served as our volunteer newsletter editor for the past few years, is moving on to other projects. Her hard work on behalf of Sendera is very much appreciated, and we wish her the best of luck. Thanks, Alison! Neighbors, we hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the new year. Sincerely, your board of directors (pictured hanging out at Backspin after hammering out the 2019 budget.) Steven, Tom, Sarah, Duane & Angie Copyright Š 2018 Peel, Inc.
Sendera Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2018