Shoal Creek Trail: Vision to Action Plan Officially Released to Public “Envision a beautiful thirteen mile walking, running and cycling trail running through the heart of Austin, from Lady Bird Lake to north of the Domain,” said Joanna Wolaver, Executive Director of Shoal Creek Conservancy. This is exactly what the Shoal Creek Trail Vision to Action Plan foresees for the future of Austin’s oldest trail. After a more than year-long community process, the final
published Shoal Creek Trail Plan is available to the public at https:// shoalcreekconservancy.org/trailplan/ “A heartfelt thank you to the community members and technical advisors that partnered with Shoal Creek Conservancy to create this Plan,” said Ms. Wolaver. “Together, we've created a roadmap for the future of the Shoal Creek Trail, which is a critical recreation and alternative transportation corridor in Austin. As our city continues to grow, Austinites increasingly want practical alternative transportation options and green places of respite. The Shoal Creek Trail will serve as a cycling and pedestrian thoroughfare as well as a revitalizing setting where families can enjoy nature and learn about our city’s history,” added Ms. Wolaver. The final Plan is the result of a robust stakeholder process informed by a Community Advisory Group, Technical Advisory Group and public input. The Conservancy partnered closely with the City of Austin Public Works Department, with assistance from almost a dozen additional public entities, including the City’s Watershed Protection, Parks and Recreation, and Transportation Departments.The Plan was funded with private donations. “The Shoal Creek Conservancy has performed a great service to the Austin community,” said Laura Dierenfield, Division Manager with the Austin Transportation and Street Design Division at the City of Austin. “We applaud the Conservancy’s leadership in articulating a vision for one of our City’s most treasured natural corridors, one that makes Austin a great place to live, now and into the future.” The Plan lays the foundation for major improvements to the existing 3.9 mile Shoal Creek Trail, as well as extending it by nearly 9 miles to the north while enhancing the natural environment and user experience along the way. Additionally, the Plan calls for connecting the Shoal Creek Trail to the Walnut Creek Trail, north of Highway 183. (Continued on Page 2)
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Tarrytown - December 2018