Silverlake Homeowner's Association, Inc. Newsletter
May 2019 • Volume 11, Issue 5
The Silverlake HOA is requesting that all
residents assist the Brazoria County Sherrif's Department in identifying the people responsible for the vandalism to a brick wall along Magnolia Avenue in Sivlerlake. The Vandalism took place the weekend prior to 3/18/2019 The Silverlake HOA is also offering a $3,000 reward for the Arrest and Conviction of anyone defacing Silverlake HOA property. All Residents are asked to immediately report any suspicious activity to the Brazoria County Sherriff's Dept. 911 and report any vandalism to Silverlake HOA property to SilverlakeHOA@ please include as much information as possible (location - description - photos ...) It is believed that the person or persons doing the vandalism live(s) in the area as other HOA's in the area have also had similar vandalism done over the Spring Break Holiday. Let’s all help keep Silverlake the best neighborhood in Pearland! Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.
Silverlake Homeowner's Association - May 2019