Jester Estates
Official Publication of Jester Homeowners Association, Inc. June 2019
Mark Your Calendars!
PARADE & ACTIVITIES Thursday, July 4 – 9:30 am Paint your wagons, decorate your bikes, your pets, and yourself, and join this festive parade! Gather at Jester Club at 9:30 am (you don’t need to be a member of the club to participate). Parade route will be up Jester, around Basil, and back. Games and activities to follow! Please contact Teresa at 512-751-8000 or tgouldie@ if you would like to help at this event!
Volume 14, Issue 6
Volunteer Needed to Chair Firewise Committee
The Jester Firewise Committee is looking for a new person to serve as the committee chair. The current chair, Jeff Shapiro, will assist a new volunteer in coming up to speed with the position, which involves coordinating Jester’s annual Firewise event, completing an annual form to renew the neighborhood’s national Firewise certification, and if interested, participating in quarterly meetings of the Austin Firewise Alliance (a get together involving Firewise community leaders from the region). (Continued on Page 2)
Architectural Committee Requirements Please refer to the documents page on for specific information about different restrictions that are required by Jester and the City of Austin. Ron Herzfeld – Committee Chair 512-567-1500 Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.
The Jester Warbler - June 2019