Summerwood - September 2019

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Volume 22, Issue 9 SEPTEMBER 2019

LIFE summerwood


C LU B S U M M E R W O O D, 1 6 1 3 6 H U N T E R S L A K E W AY The HOA meeting held each September is the Summerwood Community Association annual meeting. As its name suggests, this meeting is held annually, and is open to Summerwood homeowners. Every year, the association is required under its bylaws to hold an annual meeting of its membership. This meeting serves to address the “big-picture issues” of the HOA – the board will present the annual budget, new board members will be elected, and upcoming capital projects will be announced. In September, a ballot will be sent to all residents Copyright © 2019 Peel, Inc.

via United States Postal Service mail. It will include a list of the candidates who are running and will include bio information from each candidate. Voting must be completed by September 25th at 5:00 PM, the day prior to the annual meeting on September 26, 2019. The election results will be announced at the meeting. Please be on the lookout for your ballot in the mail and please exercise your rights as a homeowner to vote for the directors of the association board. Summerwood Life - September 2019


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