Village Creek - December

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The Voice VOLUME 18 | ISSUE 12 |DECEMBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

The Village Creek Free Little Library is located at the front playground Village 2021 1 adjacent toCreek the- DECEMBER pool house.

The Voice

Homeowner Briefing for October’s HOA Meeting

IMPORTANT NUMBERS IN CASE OF ANY EMERGENCY DIAL 911 SCHOOLS Tomball ISD ................. 281-357-3100, Willow Creek Elem (K-4)............................... 281-357-3080 Northpointe Int (5-6)...................................... 281-357-3020 Willow Wood Jr (7-8)..................................... 281-357-3030 Tomball High (9-12)....................................... 281-357-3220 Tomball Memorial High School...................... 281-357-3230 Transportation................................................. 281-357-3193 SERVICES Village Creek Management..............................Pam Hummel Phone................................................281-945-4618, Site Mgr. Village Creek Board Harris County Animal Conrol ..........................................................................281-999-3191 Precinct 4 Non-Emergency............................... 281-376-3472 Lost/Found Pets........................................

The October HOA board meeting was held on October 11, 2021, via dial in and online meeting link. The following board members were present: Ty Thomas, President; Brian Martin, Vice President; Cynthia Moody, Treasurer; and Eddy Kharrazi, Director At Large. The September 13, 2021, meeting minutes were unanimously approved. The board presented the September 30, 2021, financial report to the homeowners that were present. Pam Hummel reviewed the balance sheet and income statement. As of September 20, 2021, the Association has a 98.5% collection rate for 2021 Assessments. Total Cash $531,255.94 Total Reserve Funds $237,896.39 Total Assessment Receivables $15,884.89 Total Assets $841,503.21 In the review of the Executive Meeting, the board discussed deed restriction violations. Committee reports were given. •

Steven Winter, ARC Chair, reported that there were a total of 15 ARC applications this month and there are a multitude of generator applications coming in.

Peggy Barriga, Event Committee Chair, reported that there are approved dates for the upcoming food trucks and Toys for Tots.

The Media Committee reported that content has been submitted to Peel for the newsletter.

The Safety Committee had no new developments to report. New business matters discussed were:

Special guest Mike Mahar of PAS Property Acquisitions and Shane Keasler answered questions from the board regarding an offer to purchase land that will be used for the NWHC Regional Water Authority.

A motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the 2022 budget.

Pam Hummel presented an HCRWA offer to purchase a utility easement. Board countered with a higher asking price. Negotiations are ongoing.

The board was presented with the new contract for the 2022-2023 pool season from Aquatic Management. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the contract. Continued on Page 3

Harris County Veterinary Public Health........ ..281-999-3191 Municipal District Services (24 hrs)................ 281-290-6503 For water leaks, water outages, water quality, or sewer leaks or stoppage. Street lights out & power outages............................ Harris County traffic signal outages................. 713-881-3210 Best Trash........................................................ 281-313-2378, and Trash and Bulk Waste on both Tuesdays and Fridays Recycle on Tuesdays only. Recycle only plastics (1-7), steel and aluminum cans, cardboard, paper, or paper grocery bags, and glass (any color). Digging? Two days prior to ANY digging in your yard, call 811 or use NEWSLETTER Publisher - Peel, Inc......................................... 512-263-9181, 888-687-6444 Editor Village Creek 2 Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

The Voice Continued on Page 2

The board discussed a sidewalk that is need of repair on the lake walking path.

The board asked Pam Hummel to contact the MUD for a visual inspection of the erosion and to inspect the area with the landscaper.

Pam Hummel updated the board on the pergola painting and fence power washing. Both items are completed.

The board asked for the glass to be replaced with plexiglass on the Little Library and for the vandalized bench to be reconnected.

The board asked Pam Hummel to provide a resolution for cameras.

The Homeowner For um has eight homeowners in attendance. There were no questions from any homeowners.

The following outstanding items to be discussed: security cameras/pool card reader/comcast at pool house or VOIP option, fining policy, palm trees and stump at pool, dead trees near pool, paint mushroom at splashpad, lake erosion, splash pad sign replacement, and red button at splashpad. The open session adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

Architecture Review Committee Monthly Update The holidays are upon us, and it is time once again to decorate our houses in the holiday spirit (as well as make the electric companies happy with the additional revenue). As a reminder the Village Creek Guidelines say, “Holiday decorations are permitted and will not require approval. Decorations may be installed no sooner than 30 days prior to the holiday and must be removed within 15 days after the holiday for which they are intended. The ARC reserves the right to require the removal of decorations that either generate complaints or are deemed offensive.” The decorations in our community have always been impressive. Please be mindful of light pollution and how it may affect your neighbors. The ARC urges you to be careful when you put up your decorations. Be sure your ladder is well supported, and you have taken all safety precautions in consideration before you climb on your roof. With everything that has gone on this year, the holiday will be much merrier if you are not in a cast or worse.

Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021


The Voice Safety & Security: Preventing Porch Pirates

Event Committee Monthly Update

As many of us use online retailers to efficiently shop for the holidays, the packages sitting on our front porches are tempting to porch pirates. To help deter theft consider installing a security camera/video doorbell. Ring Doorbell is one of the most well-known brands. On days when it will be a long time until your home, ask a neighbor if they will bring your package in off the porch and hold it for you. Another option is to have your holiday packages delivered to work. If you are a frequent Amazon shopper, an Amazon Hub, the generic term for an Amazon Locker or Amazon Counter, can be used to keep your packages secure. An Amazon Locker is a selfserve kiosk, and an Amazon Counter has a person working the counter. Amazon Hubs can be found in nearby retail locations. To find Amazon Hub locations near you, go to https://www. You’ll be able to enter your address, zip code, or landmark. Once you’ve found an Amazon Hub near you, add the address to your Amazon address book and select the location as the shipping address during checkout. If you are using an Amazon Locker, an email with a unique code will be sent to you that you’ll use to remove the package from its designated slot. This holiday season take a few extra precautions to prevent porch pirating.

We have been busy planning for these last two months of 2021. Our movie night under the stars in early November was well received and enjoyed by residents of all ages. Later in November we decorated the pool house and lit the holiday lights. The End of Year Party including Cookies with Santa will be held on December 11 from 1-4 p.m. We have fantastic activities planned for the afternoon, and, of course, the BIG GUY in the red suit will be here! This year’s home lighting contest will be a bit different in that you, the residents, will be voting and selecting the winners. The Events Committee welcomes all residents to join us in planning and hosting more exciting happenings!

4 Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

The Voice Little Free Library is a “Take a Book, Return a Book” Free Book Exchange A few years ago, Village Creek joined the Little Free Library (LFL). This concept started in 2009, by Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin who built a model of a one room schoolhouse and placed it in his front yard. He did this as a tribute to his mother, a teacher who loved to read. This movement has grown around the world with the goal to share good books and bring communities together. In 2020, LFL surpassed 100,000 registered libraries in more than one hundred countries worldwide, one of which is ours located at the pool house. To participate, all one needs to do is enjoy this free book-sharing box. Anyone may take a book or share a book. They function on the honor system. You do not need to share a book to take one. If you take a book or two from a little library, try to bring some to share. It’s a community thing! Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share. Little Free Library book exchanges have a unique, individualized touch. There is an understanding that real people are sharing their favorite books with their community; little libraries have been called “mini-town squares.” We hope you’ll enjoy this entity right here in Village Creek! Our Little Free Library is located at the playground adjacent to the pool house.

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

Rhonda and Lupe on Movie Night at the Pool House

Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021


The Voice The Voice is a private publication published by Peel, Inc. It is not sanctioned by any homeowners association or organization, nor is it subject to the approval of any homeowners association or organization, nor is it intended, nor implied to replace any publication that may be published by or on behalf of any homeowners association or organization. At no time will any source be allowed to use The Voice contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.

6 Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

The Voice

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021


PO Box 1148 Round Rock, Texas 78680





8 Village Creek - DECEMBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.

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