Around Fairfield
Pot Lucks are Back Submitted by JoAnn Lambert
It's common knowledge that social engagement is essential for well-being regardless of age. But, it takes on even greater importance for those of us who have retired. Our routines have changed, and so has our social life. Add to that the further threat of isolation for those who have relocated to Cypress to be close to our children. Disengage-ment and loneliness can arise. Yes, the good news is: We've regained our family. But the bad news is: We've lost our former friendship network. Traveling Seniors of Cypress was created to offer a fun and refreshing way to help seniors take ad-vantage of social opportunities and help them share and connect with others in a friendly, supportive, and joyful way. We are blessed to have the opportunity to travel together on day trips and longdistance tours. But for those of you wanting more engagement, we are proud and excited to announce that Pot Lucks will be back in the fall bigger, better, and more. Join us on September 15 at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse at 11:30 for our Fall Pot Luck With Bingo directly following our wonderful luncheon. Not only will you find and make new friends, you will also 12 Fairfield Community Gazette - June 2022
share in the laugh-ter and fellowship. We sincerely hope you choose to participate and join in the fun.
Scheduled Day Trips June 10: Space Cowboys In the Regions Bank Suite Las Vegas Aviators at Constellation Field behind home plate. Includes Buffet and Friday night fire-works. Please pay when you sign up because we have to purchase tickets in advance. $55.00 Bus leaves FBC at 5:30 pm. June 14: Ultimate Tour of Minute Maid Park visit the Upper Deck, Gallagher Club, Bank of America Suite Level, Honda Club Level, Press Box, and Houston Methodist Hall of Fame Alley. Check out the Lexus Field Club, Michelob Ultra Club, and the Union Station Roof Deck. Lunch on your own at St. Arnolds Brewery. Tour included. $20.00 We leave FBC at 8:30. July TBA August 9: Astros Vs. Rangers Field SeatsDollar Hotdogs, Dinner at Cleburne Cafeteria. $35.00 Leaves FBC at 4:30 pm.
Sound Theater, Landis Valley Museum & Vil-lage, The Amish Experience, Guided Tour of Lancaster and Amish Country, and Guided Tour and Free Time in Philly. Bus leaves from FBC at 8:00 am.
Other Activities Second and Fourth Thursday: Cards with Karen Cervenka: 5 Crowns, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Second and Fourth Friday: Hand and Foot with Jim and Shirley, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Wednesday Breakfast House of Pies: Between 8:30 and 9:00. Breakfast at Denny's: 1st and 3rd Friday at Denny's on 290. For more information: Traveling Seniors of Cypress Jo Ann Lambert at or Jackie Devine at jackie.devine@comcast. net.
Extended Excursions Sept 30-Oct 10: Lancaster Show Trip & Philadelphia and the Dutch Country: $1095 Motorcoach Trans-portation, 4 Nights in the Lancaster area. DAVID at the Sight and Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.